American Studies Project - Maxxine Butterbaugh

  • The Book Burning

    The Book Burning
    In Berlin's Opera Square,University students decided to burn up to 25,000 books that they considered to be "un-German." University students threw books from libraries into large bonfires, which they called "fire oaths."Students wanted to purify German literature of "foreign" influences. Among these was mainly the Jewish influence.
  • Röhm Affair

    Röhm Affair
    Hitler ordered a violent purge of the top leadership of the Nazi Party paramilitary formation, the SA (Sturmabteilungen; Assault Detachments). One of these people was the chief of Staff, (Ernst Röhm) along with conservative critics of the Nazi regime. The only reason Hitler got away with these murders is because he told the German parliament that Röhm was planning to overthrow the government, which was false.
  • Death of The German President Von Hindenburg

    Death of The German President Von Hindenburg
    President Von Hindenburg died, which causes the Germanic people to make Hitler the new president. (Hitler was appointed by Hindenburg as the Chancellor in 1933.) Later in the month Hitler decided to abolish the President's office and called himself the Führer of German and it's people. This means that Hitler is an absolute dictator because there are no laws or Constitutional limits that can stop him.
  • Hitler Bans Jehovah's Witness Organizations

    Hitler Bans Jehovah's Witness Organizations
    Hitler decides to ban Jehovah's Witness Organizations because they wee refusing to wear allegiance to their state. This happened because their religious convictions forbid an oath of allegiance to or service in the armed forces of any temporal power.
  • Buchenwald Concentration Camp Opens

    Buchenwald Concentration Camp Opens
    The SS decides to open the Buchenwald to all men that are prisoners in East-central Germany. Almost 10,000 Jews were sent here and went through extremely cruel punishments and many died. The Buchenwald was one of the largest camps within the German borders. The camp contained many things like electric barbed wire fences, watch towers, and large amounts of automatic machine guns.
  • The Annexation of Austria

    The Annexation of Austria
    This lasted from March 11-13, 1938, where German troops invaded Austria into Anschluss (German Reich). This causes a large wave of street violence against Jews and their properties.
  • Jews Excluded from German Economic Life

    Jews Excluded from German Economic Life
    When the German government decreed the elimination of Jews from German's Economic Life. This decrees that Jews are barred from operating retail stores, sales agencies, and from carrying on a trade. The law also forbids Jews from selling goods or services at an establishment of any kind.
  • Germany invades Poland & Initiates World War Two

    Germany invades Poland & Initiates World War Two
    Germany invaded Poland which starts WW2 in Europe.German broke through the Polish defense, and advanced to Warsaw, which is the Polish Capital. After heavy shelling and bombing Warsaw surrendered to German.On September 3,Britain and France, standing by their guarantee of Poland's border, declared war on Germany on September 3, 1939. After defeating Poland Germany requires all Jews to identify themselves by wearing white armbands with a blue Star of David and conscripted them for forced-labor.
  • Auschwitz Camp was Established

    Auschwitz Camp was Established
    The Auschwitz Camp was the largest of all camps in the Nazi Regime. There were 3 main camps and the prisoners that were there had to do forced labor. One of them actually was used as a killing center for a certain period of time. These camps were located 37 miles west from Krakow , an area which Germany got when they invaded Poland.
  • Warsaw Ghetto Sealed

    Warsaw Ghetto Sealed
    German authorities ordered that the Warsaw Ghetto had to be sealed. This was the largest ghetto in the area and population. Over 350,000 Jews were confined. (This was about 30% of the population.) Before the deportations of July 1942 began, the actual population in Warsaw ghetto approached 500,000.