
1930s Timeline

  • J.Edgar Hoover Becomes Head of the FBI

    J.Edgar Hoover Becomes Head of the FBI
    Attorney General Harlan Fiske Stone appointed the 29-year-old Hoover acting director of the Bureau, and by the end of the year Mr. Hoover was named Director.
  • Mein Kampf is Published

    Mein Kampf is Published
    Mein Kampf is an autobiography by Adolf Hitler. This book explains all of the things Adolf has done and was planning to do for Germany.
  • The Dust Bowl Begins

    The Dust Bowl Begins
    The Dust Bowl started in 1930 and lasted for about a decade. The long-term impacts on the region was around for a lot longer. This was also known as the "Dirty Thirties" which was when a severe drought hit the Midwest and southern Great Plains in 1930 and then a massive dust storm happened in 1931.
  • Franklin Roosevelt is Elected President (1st Time)

    Franklin Roosevelt is Elected President (1st Time)
    Franklin Roosevelt became president during the Great Depression which made it a lot more difficult for him to be successful but within the first 100 days he lead a new federal legislative government. Him being so successful in his first term lead him to become president for four terms.
  • Adolf Hitler Become Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler Become Chancellor of Germany
    Hitler became the chancellor of Germany in 1933 which caused a crucial turning point for Germany and the world. His plan was to take away politics and make Germany a powerful one-party country.
  • CCC is Created

    CCC is Created
    Roosevelt made the Civilian Conservation Corps was a voluntary government work work relief program that was running from 1933 to 1942 for unemployed men ages 18-25 which eventually expanded to 17-28.
  • WPA is Created

    WPA is Created
    President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the WPA which was part of his New Deal plan to lift the country out of the Great Depression by reforming the financial system and restoring the economy to pre-Depression levels
  • J.J. Braddock Wins Heavyweight Boxing Title

    J.J. Braddock Wins Heavyweight Boxing Title
    At Madison Square Garden Bowl, J.J. Braddock won the Heavyweight Championship of the World as the 10-to-1 underdog in what was called "the greatest fistic upset since the defeat of John L. Sullivan by Jim Corbett".
  • Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht or the Night of Broken Glass, also called the November pogrom, was a pogrom against Jews.
  • Grapes of Wrath is Published

    Grapes of Wrath is Published
    This was an American realist novel written by John Steinbeck. The book won the National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize for fiction, and it was cited prominently when Steinbeck was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1962.
  • Olympic Games in Berlin

    Olympic Games in Berlin
    These Olympic Games were more than just a worldwide event, they were a show of Nazi propaganda. This caused a lot of conflict and despite the principles of the 1936 Games, countries around the world still agreed to participate.
  • Wizard of Oz Premiers in Movie Theaters

    Wizard of Oz Premiers in Movie Theaters
    This became one of the best-loved movies in history when it opened in theaters around the United States. This was based on the 1900 children's novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L.
  • Stock Market Crash Begins Great Depression

    Stock Market Crash Begins Great Depression
    This happened on a Monday known as "Black Monday". The Dow Jones Industrial Average declined nearly 13 percent in one day and it was still declining onto the next day.
  • The Four Freedoms Speech

    The Four Freedoms Speech
    These were goals of Franklin D. roosevelt that stated that the "four essential human freedoms" as well as some new phrases: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    The invasion of Poland was an attack on the Republic of Poland by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union which started World War II.