
1930's computer tech

  • Vannevar's Differential Analyzer

    Vannevar's Differential Analyzer
    Dr Vannevar Bush of MIT builds the first mechanical analog computer made to solve differential equations. This was a step forward for mathematicians to use computers to solve mathematical algorithms .
  • Radiotype - type writer over the radio

    Radiotype - type writer over the radio
    In 1931, Radio Industries Corporation (now IBM) demonstrated an electric typewriter that could send and receive messages over the radio, hundreds or even thousands of miles away. Almost like the first 'text' message.
  • Telex Network Developed

    Telex Network Developed
    Teletype, which only recently stopped being in use had its humble beginning in 1933. The Telex network used printers that worked over phone lines. Though the teletype machine was invented in 1924, it wasn't until the 1930's that the actual lines were laid and the network created for general use. This technology was used to send primitive text messages over phone lines for public use.
  • First Programmable Computer

    First Programmable Computer
    Konrad Zuse invents the Z1 - the first programmable computer. This was a milestone in computing. This made computing devices easier to maintain instructions or program them without rebuilding the whole machine every time.
  • Elektro the robot

    Elektro the robot
    In 1939, the Westinghouse Electric Corporation invented Elektro The Robot. This was an electric relay robot that responded to the rhythm of voice commands is debuted at the 1939's Worlds Fair in New York city. This was a step towards the idea of robotics being used for the public.