
  • Hoover Dam

    Hoover Dam
    U.S. Congress approves the construction of Boulder Dam it will later be renamed the Hoover Dam. It would provide thousands of jobs and cheap electricity for many cities.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    The stock market crashed as over 16 millions shares were sold by investors that were scared of losing more money. That Tuesday would become known as Black Tuesday as it was the worst day for the stock market in it's history. It would be the beginning of what would be known as the Great Depression
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    The begging of what would be the worst natural disaster in American history the Dust Bowl began. It was a 10 year drought that devastated the Mid-West. Crops were destroyed and it came at the worst time as the Great Depression was happening. This natural disaster would leave thousands of farmers and families with no crops to sell and provide for their family's.
  • New York Bank collapse

    New York Bank collapse
    The New York Bank of the United States collapsed due to insecurity people had from the stock market crash. Over 200 million in deposits was held by the bank when it failed. As word spread around the country about the bank failing to give the people their money multiple other banks had the same problem around the country as people had lost all trust in keeping their money in the banks.
  • Unemployment rate

    Unemployment rate
    In august of 1932 the US unemployment rate reached 25%. This would be the highest unemployment rate in American history many Americans would struggle to support their families with food and a roof over their heads. Hunger strikes started to happen around the country and people grew more hatred toward the government as they wanted a resolution to this.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt inaugeration

    Franklin D. Roosevelt inaugeration
    Franklin D. Roosevelt would become the 32nd president of the United States bringing hope to the people for a brighter future. Roosevelt would begin to make drastic changes as soon as he stepped in office helping bring unemployment rates down and build back our economy.
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    The New Deal was Roosevelts plan to bring peace to Americans around the country. Roosevelt began creating programs, public projects and financial reforms to put an end to the high unemployment rate during the Great Depression. They would turn out to be highly effective and begin to stabilize the unemployment rate and economy.
  • Emergency banking act

    Emergency banking act
    A few days after Roosevelt was inaugurated he implemented the emergency banking act that would be part of The New Deal . this would make all federal banks go on a four day holiday. The holiday was used to stop people from taking out large sums of money at a time while giving the banks time to get together and be able to fulfil all request as soon as they open. This was a first sign of hope for the American people that they will be able to get their money back from the banks.
  • Nuetrality Acts

    Nuetrality Acts
    The neutrality acts were put in place to not repeat the hard times we had after WW1 and the economic burden of war due to what was happening in Europe and Asia at the time. They would make us to shy away from the problems that were going to happen in Europe until Pearl Harbor when we would be forced to enter the war
  • 1936 presidential election

    1936 presidential election
    Franklin D. Roosevelt along with his Vice President John Nance Garner won to serve their second term. Roosevelt won by the biggest electoral vote margin since 1820 when it was uncontested. This showed that all political leaders and people had President Roosevelt back. His policies and referendums were working to bring back the US economy and normal way of life
  • The Grapes of Wrath

    The Grapes of Wrath
    The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck would become an American classic. It would portray the life of a farmers family and their struggles through the Great Depression. It would bring people together through being able to connect to the book since they had gone through similar hardships. Steinbeck would go on to win the Nobel Piece prize for this masterpiece of literacy
  • WW2

    The start of world war 2 with Germany invading Poland the US would shy away from joining but would send aid to its allies. With neutrality acts in place Americans were still more worried about ending the Great Depression than what was happening over seas