
  • Oct 1929

    Oct 1929
    (WALL STREET CRASH) The america stock market collapses the onset of the Great Depression.
  • June 17, 1930

    June 17, 1930
    (Smooth- Hawley Tariff) Congress passes the smooth Hawley Tariff the import duties to attempt to protect American manufactures from foreign competition
  • Dec 1931

    Dec 1931
    (Major Bank Collapse) New York of the United States collapse in the largest bank. $200 million in the deposits disappear
  • Nov 8, 1932

    Nov 8, 1932
    (Roosevelt Elected) Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt takes down incumbent Republican President Herbert Hoover on the side to win the presidency
  • Sep 1933

    Sep 1933
    (Townsend Proposes Pension Plan) Dr.Francis Townsend sends a letter to the Long Beach. For due to the consumption and the employment.
  • Mar 4, 1933

    Mar 4, 1933
    (Roosevelt Inauguration) Franklin D. Roosevelt is inaugurated into the 32nd President of the United States
  • Jan 1934

    Jan 1934
    (Townsend plan incorporated) Dr. Francis Townsend formally incorporates old age revolving pensions to go the townsend plan movement
  • Feb 1934

    Feb 1934
    (Share our wealth society founded) Huey Long found the wealth society of the rich redistribute to the poor
  • Aug, 1934

    Aug, 1934
    (Upton Sinclair wins Primary) Support for upton Sinclair a good movement gives sinclair a clearly victory in the Democratic primary in California
  • Nov, 1934

    Nov, 1934
    (Charles establishes the national Union for the Social Justice) Father Charles Coughlin know as "the Radio Priest" establishes the national Union for the social justice
  • Sep, 1935

    Sep, 1935
    (Huey Long Assassinated) Huey Long assassinated inside the Louisiana Capitol Building
  • Nov, 1936

    Nov, 1936
    (Roosevelt Reelected) Franklin D. Roosevelt got elected to a second as the president also winning the landslide over the Republican