1921-1941 DCUS II

  • Period: to

    Warren G. Harding is President

    Died mid term due to a heart attack
  • Period: to

    Global Naval Conference Held in Washington

    Leaders gathered in Washington to discuss Naval disarmament to relieve global tensions
  • Period: to

    Calvin Coolidge is President

  • 1924 Revenue Act is Passed

    Lowered income tax on the upper class and corporations
  • First Nonstop Flight From NY to Paris

  • Period: to

    Herbert Hoover is President

  • Stock Market Crash (leading to the Great Depression)

  • Fair Labor Standard Act is Established

    Granted 40 hour work weeks and overtime pay and ended child labor
  • FDR Establishes the New Deal

    Several agencies are created to help Americans climb out the Great Depression
  • FDR Starts his Well-Known First 100 Days

    He started his Presidency with quick action and extreme productivity establishing many programs
  • Period: to

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt is President

  • The Gold Standard is Abolished

    The Gold Reserve Act of 1934 ended the gold standard for paper money
  • FDR's Court Packing Plan

    Roosevelt tried to put restrictions on age in the Supreme Court but it back-fired greatly
  • Period: to

    WWII Occurs

  • Peal Harbor is Attacked by the Japanese