
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    The investigation of an infamous scandal involving members of Herbert Hoover's corrupt administration Albert Fall and Edwin Denby, who were convicted of leasing government land to oil companies in exchange for bribes
  • Scopes Trial

    The Scopes Trial, a trial publicized for pitting fundamentalist Christianity against modernism, was decided and Scopes, a schoolteacher who taught the evolutionary theory to his students, was declared guilty
  • First Solo Nonstop Transatlantic Flight

    Charles Lindbergh finished the first ever nonstop solo flight from New York to Paris
  • Executions of Sacco and Venzetti

    Italian anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo were executed due to increased fear of foreign radicals despite there being little evidence of them having committed their alleged crimes
  • Black Tuesday

    Also known as the Wall Street Crash of 1929, it is the day the stock market is thought to have begun its fall into the Great Depression
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    The Dust Bowl

    Severe droughts in the Great Plains ruined farms in the region and triggered a great westward migration
  • Bonus Army

    More than fifteen thousand veterans and their families protested in Washington, D.C., demanding the early payment of promised cash bonuses from the government, and U.S. Army broke it up in a brutal and highly publicized fashion
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    First Hundred Days

    The first 100 days of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency, famous for the many programs he instituted and laws he passed during this time as part of his New Deal
  • Germany invaded Soviet Union

    Germany took on the largest land invasion in history by attacking the Soviet Union, an offensive that would last six months and end with Germany's retreat
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japan surprise-attacked the U.S. naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, killing 24 hundred Americans