1921 - 1941

  • National Socialist German Workers' Party

    This was a far right party to pull people away from communism.
  • Joseph Stalin

    Stalin is now the General Secretary of the Russian Communist Party.
  • Calvin Coolidge

    President Harding died in office so Calvin Coolidge, the vice president, becomes president.
  • Immigration Act

    This act limmited the amount of people who were allowed to immigrate into the United States.
  • Coolidge Inauguration

    Coolidge is placed into office after winning the election.
  • Herert Hoover

    Hoover becomes the 31st president of the United States.
  • Stock Market Crash

    The stock market dropped 25 percent, a huge contribution to the Great Depression.
  • Hitler Becomes Fuher

    Hitler becomes the supreme superpower of Germany.