1921-1941 By: Anavya Jernigan

  • The Washington Naval Conference

    The Washington Naval Conference was a conference held to find ways to achieve naval disarmament to ease tensions in Asia.
  • Presidential Election of 1924

    Calvin Coolidge won the presidential election after Warren Harding died in office.
  • The Revenue Act of 1924

    The Revenue Act of 1924 lowered the income tax of wealthy people and businesses.
  • Stock Market Crash

    The Stock Market crash lasted 5 days and resulted in the prices of stocks collapsing and leading up to the Great Depression.
  • Presidential Election of 1932

    Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president, defeating Herbert Hoover.
  • Twentieth Amendment Ratified

    The Twentieth Amendment was ratified, which changed the Inauguration Day to January.
  • Twenty-First Amendment Ratified

    The Twenty-First Amendment was ratified, which repealed the eighteenth amendment.
  • Presidential Election of 1936

    Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected again, defeating opponent Alf Landon.