
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Sec. of Interior Fall sells US navy oil reserves to private industry
  • Immigration Act

    reduces immigration, restrict S & E Euros, prohibits Asians
  • Dawes Plan

    helps Germany with reparation by loans
  • Kellogg-Braind Pact

    international agreement, nations agree not to use offensive wars
  • Stock market crash

    due to flooded investments and buying on margin
  • Smoot-Hawley Tariff

    high protective tariff, worsened worldwide depression
  • New deal

    created by FDR to help American people
  • NIRA

    National Industrial Recovery Act - set up NRA, min wages, max hr
  • 20th Amendment

    Pres. terms start in January
  • HOLC

    Home Owners' Loan Corp refinanced home mortgages and prevented forclosdure
  • SEC

    Securities and Exchange Commission - watches market prices
  • Social Security Acts

    benefits to old and unemployed
  • Panay Incident

    Japan bombs US ship, US demands only apology and reparation
  • Pearl Harbor

    Jap surprise attack, US eners war a day later