1921- 1941

  • 1921; Immigration Act

    The Emergency Immigration Act; it was used to create the National Origins Act in 1924. It only allowed 2% of immigrants from the same country to stay and make a living in America.
  • 1923; Beer Hall Putsch

    Hitler and his crew tried to take over the Bavarian government, when Hitler was caught they sentenced him to 5yrs in prison for treason.
  • 1924; Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plans to resolve the WW1 reparations that Germany was forced to pay.
  • 1925; Scopes Trial

    A substitute teacher was taken to trial for violating the Butler Act when he was teaching evolution to his students.
  • 1929; Black Tuesday

    The Black Tuesday was started when markets starting to fail and crash. Black Tuesday is seen as the beginning to the Great Depression.
  • 1929; 31st President

    Herbert Hoover became the 31st president in 1929.
  • 1933; Prohibition

    Alcohol was allowed to be manufactured and distributed in the U.S after Prohibition was ended.
  • 1940; Hitler vs. France

    Hitler and his army advance through Europe and take over France through a massive siege and multiple battles.