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  • Warren G. Harding President

    Warren G. Harding President
    He won the election of 1920 until his death in 1923.
  • Invention of Insulin

    Invention of Insulin
    This was important so those with a non-working pancreas can stay alive.
  • Calvin Coolidge President

    Calvin Coolidge President
    He was inaugurated in August due to the death of Harding and won the next election as well.
  • Period: to

    The Great Depresssion

    It was a severe worldwide economic depression.
  • Herbert Hoover President

    Herbert Hoover President
    He won against Al Smith.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    This was the wall street crash of 1929 that lasted a month.
  • Hitler Comes to Power

    Hitler Comes to Power
    Hitler was appointed chancellor in Germany.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt President

    Franklin D. Roosevelt President
    He was the longest acting president ever with a total of four inaugurations.
  • World War II Began

    World War II Began
    This included allies and powers and two of the most deadly leaders in history, Stalin and Hitler.
  • Texas Goes to War

    Texas Goes to War
    A great military presence in Texas grew due to the Great Depression.