
  • Warren Harding inaugurated

    Warren Harding is inaugurated becoming the 29th president of the United States
  • Benito Mussolini becomes Prime minister of Italy

    In October of 1922 King Emmanuel III dissolved the current Italian government and asked Benito Mussolini to create a new one. Mussolini then became the Prime Minister, Minister of the Interior, and Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  • Warren Harding dies

    President Harding dies. The cause of his death is not completely known but is mostly likely thought to be due to a heart attack
  • Calvin Coolidge sworn in

    After the death of President Harding Calvin Coolidge is sworn in becoming the 30th president of the United States
  • Benito Mussolini declares himself dictator of Italy

    In a speech given to the Italian Parliament Mussolini stated his right to supreme power.
  • Calvin Coolidge Inaugurated

    Calvin Coolidge is inaugurated starting his first full term as president.
  • First nonstop flight.

    Charles Lindbergh completes the first nonstop flight from New York to Paris.
  • Herbert Hoover is inaugurated

    Herbert Hoover is inaugurated becoming the 30th President of the United States
  • Black Thursday

    The New York Stock Exchange drop. This starts what is known as the stock market crash of 1929.
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    The Great Depression

    The Great Depression started with the stock market crash. It was then made worse in the 1930s by the Dust Bowl. Unemployment was at a high and half of the banks failed.
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    The "First" New Deal

    The "First" New Deal was a platform FDR ran on and won the election with and went to work on creating over 37 programs that brought the US out of debt and back to life as a global power house.
  • Bank Panic

    With the stock market crash in 1929 and the Great Depression in swing Banks begin to fail and close. Before the month of September is over 305 banks close with more to follow in October.
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    Dust Bowl

    In 1930 drought had struck STATES. Then in 1931 dust storms swept across THE COUNTRY. By 1934, 35 million acres of land is considered useless and more land was following.
  • Amelia Earhart completes solo flight across the Atlantic

    Amelia Earhart becomes the first women to complete a solo flight across the Atlantic.
  • 20th amendment ratified

    The 20th amendment set the beginning and end dates for president and vice presidents terms to January 20th.
  • Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany

    President Paul von Hindenburg names Adolf Hitler chancellor of Germany. This marks the beginning.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt inaugurated

    Franklin D. Roosevelt is inaugurated becoming the 31st President of the United States
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    Hundred Days

    A hundred days of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's where congress enacts many principal programs of the New Deal
  • President Roosevelt gives first Fireside Chat.

    President Roosevelt gives the first out of many radio addresses that he will do throughout his presidency. These address become known as Fireside Chats. In this radio address he specifically talks about...
  • Civilian Conservation Corps

    Created by the Reforestation Relief Act, the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) employed men ages 18-25. Projects included planting trees, maintaining forest roads and trails, and fighting fires.
  • No more Gold Standard

    President Roosevelt takes the United States off of the gold standard. This policy allows for more money to become available to Americans.
  • Agricultural Adjustment Administration

    The Agricultural Adjustment Act established the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA). It served to restrict the production of certain crops and paid farmers to not till the land.
  • Federal Emergency Relief Act

    This provides grants to states for relief projects.
  • Tennessee Valley Act

    The Tennessee Valley Act established the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). The TVA worked to control the flooding of the Tennessee River Valley and provide rural electrification for the seven states making up the area.
  • Federal Securities Act

    The Federal Securities Act required that the issuing of all stocks and bonds must be registered and approved by the federal government.
  • National Recovery Administration

    The National Recovery Administration (NRA) was created through the National Industry Recovery Act (NIRA). The NRA's main focus was to stimulate competition which would help both consumers and producers.
  • Public Works Administration

    The Public Works Administration (PWA) was created by the National Industry Recovery Act (NIRA). The PWA's focus was to provide jobs through the building of roads, buildings, and other projects.
  • Civilian Works Administration

    The Civilian Works Administration (CWA) was created by executive order. The hope of the CWA was to provide work for the 4 million Americans that were unemployed at the time.
  • 21st amendment is ratified

    The 21st amendment repealed the 18th amendment which prohibit the manufacturing, transportation, and sale of alcohol. This officially ended prohibition.
  • Securities Exchange Act

    The Securities Exchange Act created the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC served to license stock exchanges and determine the legality of certain market practice.
  • Adolf Hitler becomes president of Germany

    President von Hindenburg dies on August 2nd. Hitler, hten serving as chancellor of Germany becomes the new president and merges both positions making him the supreme leader of Germany.
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    The "Second" New Deal

  • May 6, 1935 Works Progress Administration

    With funds from the Emergency Relief Appropriations Act an executive order was made to create the Works Progress Administration (WPA). The WPA provided jobs and income for Americans through construction and repairs of roads, bridges, post offices, parks, and more.
  • Social Security Act

    The Social Security Act guaranteed pensions to Americans over the age of 65, established unemployment insurance, and assists states in aiding dependent children, the blind, aged people who do not qualify for social security.
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    Jul 17, 1936 – Apr 1, 1939 Spanish Civil War

    A military revolt against the government of Spain. The military coup failed to win control and a bloody civil war ensued. The Nationalist, or rebels, received help from Italy and Germany. The Republicans received help from the Soviet Union, along with volunteers from Europe and the U.S. The Nationalist eventually took over the capital city of Madrid. Republican armies disbanded and the Republican army flew to exile in France.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt inaugurated

    Franklin D. Roosevelt is inaugurated a second time starting his second term as President of the United States
  • The Hindenburg

    The German dirigible, the Hindenburg, explodes outside Lakehurst, New Jersey killing 36 people.
  • Jun 25, 1938 Fair Labor Standard Act

    The Fair Labor Standard Act raises minimum wage and sets the 40 hour work week for business in interstate commerce.
  • Emergency Relief Appropriations Act

    The act authorized $5 billion to be used to establish federal programs.