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  • Emergency Immigration Act

    Restrict immigration
  • Roaring Twenties

    The Flappers became iconic for women of the era.
  • Harlem Renaissance

    New Black Cultural Identity. Alain Locke promotes racial equality, Jazz is born.
  • Teapot Dome

    investigation of Secretary of Interior and Private Oil Company arrangement.
  • Harding dies of heart attack.

    VP Calvin Coolidge assumes presidency
  • Revenue Act

    Income taxes greatly reduced on wealthy and corporations.
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    Restrict immigration from 'undesirable' areas of the world.
  • Coolidge elected President

    "Silent Cal" Strong belief in private enterprise and small government. Does not run again.
  • 1st Talking Movie/Jazz Singer

  • Charles Lindbergh crosses the Atlantic

  • Radio and 1st commercial station

  • Herbert Hoover is elected

    Believed that the free market system would correct the ​economy.
  • Kellogg-Brand Pact/Pact of Paris

    Agreement to outlaw war in order to prevent another World War.
    Treaty between US and France.
  • Auto Industry

    28 million people own cars thanks to Ford's assembly line by 1929.
  • Stock Market Crashes/Black Thursday

    Black Tuesday: most devastating single day in stock market's history beginning a panic.
  • Hoover Dam starts construction

    Completed in 1936, created thousands of jobs.
  • Department of Veterans Affairs created

  • Japan invades China

    Japan invades and occupies China (Manchuria)
  • Al Capone/imprisoned on Tax evasion

  • Dust Bowl begins

    The worst drought in 300 years. 150,000 sq. miles. Congress appropriated $65 million for seed, food, and food boxes.
  • Wealth Tax or Revenue Tax 1932

    Raised taxes on top income to 63%, worsens depression.
  • Amelia Earhart takes to the skies

  • Reconstruction Finance Corporation

    Provides federal loans to railroads, banks, and businesses.
  • Bonus Army protest

    15,000 unemployed veterans set up camps near capitol - Hoover calls out regular Army to deal with them.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority

    Federal government built dams to prevent flooding and sell electricity.
  • 20th Amendment/Inauguration to January

  • National Recovery Act/Public Works

    This outlawed child labor, enforced 8 hour work days, established minimum wage/
  • 25% Unemployment

  • Franklin Roosevelt took office/New Deal

  • Bank Holiday

    FDR took office and immediately declared a ​bank holiday to stop bank failures. 11,000 of 25,000 banks failed. FDIC created to insure bank deposits.
  • Federal Emergency Relief Act/Emergency Farm Mortgage Act

    Paid farmers to limit crops to raise prices, provide loans to save farms.
  • Civilian Conservation Corps

    Hired 3 million workers to improve and maintain public land.
  • Civil Works Administration

    Created 4 million construction jobs.
  • 21st Amendment/Repeals prohibition

    Revenue is needed from taxes.
  • Gold Standard terminated

    To stop the run on gold, FDR abandoned gold standard.
  • Rural Electrification Authority

    Bring power to rural areas.
  • Mussolini invades Ethiopia

  • Neutrality Acts

    1935 - 1939 Americans can't travel on foreign ships owned by nations at war. No loans to nations at war. Goods are cash & carry. Britain & France send own freighters​ for military supplies.
  • Social Security Act

    Francis Townsend advocated an Old age Revolving Pension Plan giving $200 to citizens over 60.
  • Revenue Tax 1935

    Raised Wealth Tax up to 75% on highest income. (greater than 50k)
  • Hitler starts rearmament

    Hitler pushes and France and Britain appease.
  • Berlin Axis/Mussolini & Hitler

  • Treaty of Versailles scrapped

  • FDR re-elected

  • Occupation of Rhineland

    German troops enter demilitarized Rhineland.
  • US Housing Authority

    The Government provides money for public housing.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    Set standards for minimum wage and overtime
  • Austria annexed/Munich Agreement

  • World War II begins

    France and Britain declare war on Germany after Germany invades Poland.
  • FDR is re-elected for third term

  • Blitzkrieg against Denmark & Norway

  • Germany attacks Netherlands, Belgium & France.

  • France Falls

    France Surrenders​. US starts preparing for war.
  • Japan occupies IndoChina

    Turns attention to Pacific fleet of US
  • Germany invades Soviet Union

    Suprised by resistance and early winter - Germany finally stopped temporarily.
  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbor

    8 battleships sunk, 180 planes destroyed, 2400 killed, 1200 injured.
  • US declares war on Japan

  • Hitler declares war on US