Roaring twenties trailer title still

1920s Timeline Jon Zimmer

  • The 18th Amendment gets Ratified

    The 18th Amendment gets Ratified
    Congress Ratifies the 18th Amendment prohibiting the sale of alcohol anywhere in the U.S
  • Sacco and Vanzetti Crime

    Sacco and Vanzetti Crime
    In April of 1920 the Italian born American anarchist were convicted of murdering a guard and armed robbery. They were convicted in July of 1921.
  • The Palmer Raids

    The Palmer Raids
    launching a period of intense government persecution of radical political dissidents in response to the postwar Red Scare sweeping the nation.
  • Steel strike ends

    Steel strike ends
    The Great Steel Strike of 1919 ends with capitulation by the steelworkers.
  • 19th Amendment Ratified

    19th Amendment Ratified
    The 19th Amendment is ratified, granting women the right to vote.
  • Harding wins the Election by a Landslide

    Harding wins the Election by a Landslide
    Republican Warren G. Harding is elected to the presidency by a landslide. Harding wins 60% of the popular vote and 75% of the electoral vote.
  • Teapot dome scandal

    Teapot dome scandal
    A government scandal that took place in the United States during 1921–1923, and was a bribery incident involving the administration of then President Warren G
  • The World Series Broadcasts on the Radio

    The World Series Broadcasts on the Radio
    Baseball's World Series is broadcast on radio for the first time. The New York Giants defeat the New York Yankees, five games to three.
  • Emergency Quota Act

    Emergency Quota Act
    In 1921 President Harding signed this act restricting annual admission to the United States to only 3 percent of the total number of people in any ethnic group already living in the nation.
  • Harding Dies

    Harding Dies
    President Warren G. Harding dies of stroke in a San Francisco hotel room. Vice President Calvin Coolidge ascends to presidency.
  • Henry Ford Uses the Assembly line to build cars faster

    Henry Ford Uses the Assembly line to build cars faster
    By 1925 a ford car was rolling off the assembly line every 10 seconds.
  • Scopes Violates Ban on Teaching Evolution

    Scopes Violates Ban on Teaching Evolution
    Tennessee schoolteacher John Scopes is arrested for teaching evolution, in violation of new state law banning the teaching of Darwin.
  • New Electronics

    New Electronics
    In 1926 the Kelvinator Refrigerator made it practical to buy and store larger quantities of food.
  • The First NBC Radio Show

    The First NBC Radio Show
    Commercial radio grew rapidly in the 1920s. IT helped create a national community as people across the country could listen to the same music, news, sports and entertainment programs. The fist NBC Radio Show was in 1926
  • Commercial Bread Slicer

    Commercial Bread Slicer
    In 1928 the commercial bread slicer was invented.