1920's Event Timeline - Wright Esposito

  • Creation of Jazz Music

    Jazz is created in New Orleans by musicians. This helps spark a new era of music and helps to start the Harlem Renaissance.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th amendment prevented the sale of Alcohol. This was a major cause for trouble in the early 1920's. Many people started there own private, hidden, taverns. This lead to Americans fighting for there right to drink.
  • 19th Amendment

    The 19th Amendment was passed, giving women the right to vote. This was one of the biggest successes that the women's rights movement had. If this amendment was never passed / fought for then women might not be able to vote in today's world.
  • Automobile Invented

    The Automobile is invented by Henry Ford and he calls it the Model-T. This was the first consumer car to be available at a cheap price. If the model T hadn't of existed then we might not be driving cars today.
  • Stock Market Collapse

    The stock market collapse of 1929 is what brought on the Great Depression. This event is extremely important in today's world as it helped us to define how we should use our money. This reason the crash occurred was because many people were buying stocks on margin as well as cost of living was increasing but wages were not. This all brought on the crash.