1920's - 1930's

  • The Volstead Act

    This act made it illegal to sell any “intoxication beverages”. This moved the liquor trade underground, controled by organized crime-figures.
  • National Origins Act

    The act set immigration quotas that excluded some people in favor of others
  • Black thursday

    The start of the Great Depression. People start selling investments and the price tickets can't keep up
  • Black tuesday

    The Doe Jones falls by 12%. People lose 14 million dollars in a day
  • Period: to

    Great Depression

    The world eoconomy drops. People lose jobs and their savings.
    Everyone is affected by the economy.
  • Franklin Roosevelt is elected as president

    People are tired of Hoover's "subtle" actions to help them during the crisis. They turn to another candidat.
  • Roosevelt does the Second New Deal

    Social Security Act is put is action later in the year.
  • WW II

    Hitler used the people's despair to rally them to his ideals. He promised a better lifestyle.
  • The Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor

    The moment the US stops being a third party. This decision pulls them out of the economic crisis.