1920-2000s timeline

  • Peace with germany

    The signing of the resolution for peace with germany and austria/ Marked the end of the first world war and a time of unsteady relations in europe due to all blame being placed on germany
  • Great depression

    Great depression
    The stock market crashes causing the great depression/ Led to one of the worst decades in the US full of death and despair with many families living in boxes and without money
  • Woman in senate

    Woman in senate
    Hattie Wyatt Caraway was the first woman elected into the U.S senate after the death of her husband (in as replacement)/ The first time a woman has been in government leading to a new idea of who can be in positions of power
  • Franklin Roosevelt

    Franklin Roosevelt inaugurated as the 32nd president/ He pushed for employment and helping the many homeless during the great depression
  • U.S. enters WWII

    U.S. enters WWII
    Germany and Italy declare war on the U.S., so the U.S. declares war on both/ One of the most brutal and deadly wars on all sides. The US pushed to help the jews being treated as animals and pieces of flesh
  • The UN

    The UN
    The united nations is establish/ Gave a meeting of most of the countries fighting to keep peace between the nations and settling disputes through speaking not fighting
  • Presidential succession act

    the act stated that if there is a presidential vacancy the next in line takes over/ Gave order on how presidency would fall through the ranks of the government if presidents kept being assassinated
  • Foreign aid bill

    Congress passes the foreign aid bill providing european post war recovery/ Gave grounds to helping the european countries needing financial aid after being decimated during world war 2
  • Vietnam war

    Start of the war of the communist forces of North Vietnam backed by communist china and the ussr and South Vietnam backed by the United States/ Was a war that didn't end in any victories, but lead to many US deaths due top brutal traps and ambushes. Led to prosecution of asian americans and hate toward american troops
  • 40th president

    40th president
    Ronald reagan is inaugurated as the 40th president and is arguably one of the best presidents in history/ Solved many world conflicts peacefully including the berlin wall which lead to a happier germany with new leadership