Lenin Became The Leader Of The Bolsheviks
Lenin was born on the 22nd of April 1870 and died on the 21st of January 1924. Lenin was a Russian Marxist revolutionary & communist politician. He led the October Revolution in 1917. Lenion worked to create a socialist economic system. -
Bloody Sunday
A general strike broke out in St.Petersburg. One of the workers' leaders, a priest called father Gapon, decided to lead a march of workers to the Tsar's Winter Palace. There he hoped to present a petition to the Tsar. Some 150,000 marchers walked to the palace and were unarmed & peaceful. They even carried pictures of the Tsar & sang hymns. But when they reached the Winter Palace, the Tsar's troops fired into the crowd and about a thousand people were hurt. The day became known as Bloody Sunday. -
Germany Declares War On Russia
Germany declares war on Russia, following Russia's military mobilization. -
Assassination Of Rasputin
The murder of Rasputin has become a legend, some parts of his muderer were invented by the very men who killed him, this is why it has become difficult overtime to know of the exact course of events. A group of nobles led by Prince Felix Yusupov and the Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich and the right-wing politician Vladimir Purishkevich poisoned him and when that didn't succed they shot him then bound his body & wrapped him in carpet, he was then thrown in the icy Neva River. -
The February Revolution
People rioted on the streets in Russia. They were joined by soldiers & members of the Duma. Nicholas II was forced to abdicate & a new government called the provisional government took over. Many Bolsheviks believed that the Russian people would not accept a Socialist government & supported the provisional government led by Alexander Kerensky who became President of Russia. The workers, soldiers & peasants elected their own councils called Soviets. The Soviets were as powerful as the government. -
Abdication Of The Tsar
Tsar Nicholas II was forced to abdicate (give up) his throne. As the army would no longer listen to or follow his orders, there was little else that he could do. This sunddenly put an end to five hundred years of Tsarist rule. -
Execution Of Tsar Nicholas II
During the early hours of July 17th 1918, the royal family was woken at around 2:00 am, they were told to dress, and then led down into a half-basement room at the back of the Ipatiev house. Yurovsky then announced to the royal family that they had been condemned to death by the Ural Soviet of Workers' Deputies. The assassins then began shooting. -
The October Revolution
Kerensky had not ended the war as the people had hoped but had planned a new offensive against the Germans. Soldiers began deserting & returning to their homes. Many of them used their weapons to take land from the rich. He chose to support Lenin & on the 24th the Bolsheviks seized the Winter Palace, the headquarters of the provisional government.