Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act
This act prohibited the legal marriage between people of different racial classifications. Not only did this make biracial marriage illegal, it also made sexual biracial acts illegal and prohibited by legal force as well. It is significant because this act invaded on the personal lives of many South Africans. It led to many humiliations and ruined marriages. -
Population Registration Act
This act is responsible for the classification of every South African into one of the four "racial categories". The descriptions are very vague and provide a lot of confusion to determine someone's race. This law was heavily enforced and it is significant because it was the basis for many other laws that segregate based on these classifications. -
Bantu Authorities Act
This act was an act that gave authority to the Tribal leader inside their respective Bantustan. It gave legal basis for self-determination. This act is significant because it further shows how the South African government is trying to legitimize their strategy of creating Bantustans. -
Native Building Workers Act
This act legalized the training of blacks in the construction industry and it limited the areas where they can work. This is significant because it shows how the South African government planed to use the black majority for labor-oriented jobs. -
Pass Laws Act
This act replaced previous regional pass laws acts and created a nationwide pass law that required all black South Africans over the age of 16 to carry a pass book in order to access areas. This is significant because it shows the racism and segregation of Apartheid South Africa. -
Bantu Education Act
This act allowed the segregation of South African educational systems. Every form of an educational institution was segregated and it is significant because if a school refused, the South African Government would stop supporting that school. This made it hard for any school system to deny the law. -
Separate Amenities Act
This act segregated all public areas for certain racial classifications and only those classified as that race could entire and enjoy the public places during the designated times. This is significant because it was unfair towards the black majority. -
Public Safety Act
This act gave the South African government the power to declare states of emergencies when the black majority would protest against segregation laws. This is significant because it gave the power to the South African Government to control and put down protests against they own unfair laws. -
Promotion of Bantu Self-government Act
This act transformed tribal lands into independent lands called Bantustans. The South African Government relocated the majority of the population into these densely packed areas. This is significant because the South African Government created these Bantustans to force the black majority into separate areas in a way that is seemingly legitimate because they are "giving them independence". -
Urban Bantu Councils Act
This act replaced the Advisory Boards created in the Natives Urban Areas Act of 1923 and permitted elections of African chairmen onto municipal councils. This act is significant because it allowed Africans to run in elections for their own regional councils.