
  • First Flight Across the English Channel

    First Flight Across the English Channel
    Louis Bleriot, a French man, flew across the English Channel. He traveled through Les Barraques, France, to Dover, and England during terrible weather and became the first man to not only fly across the Channel, but also won himself a 1000 pound reward. He created history by taking the chance and living his dream.
  • Titanic Sinks

    Titanic Sinks
    The Tintanic sunk on April 15th, 1912. This was a huge moment in history because the Titanic was said to be the largest and safest ship The morning of the 15th, the ship hit an iceberg and began to sink. Passangers would be exposed to ocean waters at negative four degrees. There were only 705 survivors and 1,522 passangers were missing.
  • Opening of Panama Canal

    Opening of Panama Canal
    The opening of the Panama Canal is a shortcut for ships to take when going from New York to California and vice versa instead of making the trip around South America with longer travel time.
  • First Transcontinental Telephone Call Is Made

    First Transcontinental Telephone Call Is Made
    The first transcontinental telephone call was made in 1915 and it was a fourway call between Alexander Graham Bell, who was in New York. Thomas Watson, Alexander Graham Bell's assistant, who was in San Fransisco. President Woodrow Wilson who was in Washington and Theodore Vail, president of AT&T in Jekyll Island, Ga. This phonecall changed the world and the future of technology.
  • First Birth Control Clinic Opens

    First Birth Control Clinic Opens
    Margaret Sanger was the woman behind the opening of the first birth control clinic in New York. Women began lining up outside of the clinic for a new way of prevention. However, nine days after she opened, she was arrested and the clinic was shut down and did not reopen until 1928 when Planned Parenthood was established.
  • First Woman is Elected to U.S. Congress

    First Woman is Elected to U.S. Congress
    Jeannette Rankin was elected as the first woman to be apart of the U.S. Congress. She worked with various suffrage groups. Only in Congress for a few years, Rankin later became heavily involved in pacifist organizations.
  • Founding of Forbes Magazine

    Founding of Forbes Magazine
    Forbes Magazine is one of the most successful magazine companies in the world and was created by B.C. Forbes. Forbes magazine has always been about business and the people who are doers and get things done.
  • Period: to

    Harlem Renaissance

    The Harlem Renaissance was a time when African Americans had the chance to express themselves through various forms of art and music. This was the time when blacks became published authors, jazz music became a huge part of the culture and artists expressed their emotions and stories through beautiful paintings.
  • U.S. Stock Market Crash

    U.S. Stock Market Crash
    This was the day which began the Great Depression within the United States. Wall Street investors traded nearly 16 million shares of stock and lost all shares within a day, which caused millions to lose jobs and businesses began to spiral downward. This was the most economically challenging time for America and it all began on October 24, 1929. This day is also known as "Black Tuesday."
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    Great Depression

    One of the longest and worst economical times in America, the Great Depression affected lives of many Americans and caused a lot of unemployement, which was anywhere from 13 to 15 milllion people. The stock market crash in October of 1929 took out investors and caused chaos within Wall Street. This was one of the worst times in the history of America and did not get better until World War II.