1901 - 1920

  • Period: to

    The Progressive Era

  • McKinley Assassination

    President William McKinley is shot.
  • Theodore Roosevelt (26th President)

    Roosevelt is sworn in as the 26th President of the U.S.
  • Hay-Pauncefote Treaty

    Signed by the U.S and Great Britain to allow the U.S to build the Panama Canal.
  • Reclamation Act

    The Act required that water users repay construction costs to fund irrigation projects.
  • The Philippine-American War Ends

  • Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

    Signed by the U.S and Panama to establish the Panama Canal Zone for its construction.
  • Wright Flyer

    The Wright brothers made their first powered flight.
  • Treaty of Portsmouth

    Signed to end the Russo-Japanese War. Roosevelt receives the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • Oklahoma

    Oklahoma obtains its statehood.
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation

    The FBI is established.
  • NAACP Founded

    The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is founded by W. E. B. Du Bois.
  • William H. Taft (27th President)

    Taft is elected the 27th President of the U.S.
  • Mann Act

    It was passed to address prostitution, immorality and human trafficking.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

    One of the deadliest industrial disasters in the U.S killing 146 garment workers.
  • New Mexico

    New Mexico is granted statehood
  • Arizona

    Arizona is granted statehood.
  • Girl Scouts of the USA Founded

    Founded by Juliette Gordon Low
  • RMS Titanic Sinks

  • Theodore Roosevelt Shot

    Attempted assassination by John Flammang Shrank.
  • 16th Amendment

    Established Congress's right to impose a Federal income tax.
  • Woman Suffrage Parade

    Organized by Alice Paul to protest against the present political organization society from which women were excluded.
  • Woodrow Wilson (28th President)

    Wilson was elected the 28th President of the U.S
  • 17th Amendment

    Passed to allow U.S senators to be elected.
  • Assembly Line

    Henry Ford installs the first assembly line.
  • World War 1 Begins

  • Federal Trade Commission Founded

  • RMS Lusitania Sinks

  • Zimmerman Telegram

    A secret diplomatic communication proposing an alliance between Germany and Mexico.
  • U.S. Enters World War 1

  • World War 1 Ends

  • 18th Amendment

    Established prohibition.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Peace treaty that brought WW1 to an end.
  • 19th Amendment

    Grants women the right to vote.