1900-2001 Timeline

  • 1 CE


  • Russian/ Japanese War

    Russia attempted to expand further into Asia, being driven back by Japan and inevitably losing the conflict.
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    After a Serbian assassin shot and killed Archduke Ferdinand II of Austria, a war sparked between the two countries, dragging in their respective allies and eventually other outside powers including the US.
  • Russian Revolution

    After their government failed them, the Russian radical group known as the Bolsheviks, with the support of the lower working class, fought their way to power, promising a more equal Russia by and for the people
  • League of Nations

    To try and prevent the destruction caused by WWI, the world powers of the day formed an international organization overseeing the international affairs of its included nations, but it was not to last.
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    The Great Depression

    Just 11 years after the first World War, the world descended into an economic crisis on an unprecedented scale, with many dying of starvation, others suffering the shortages of basic necessities, and still others losing entire fortunes in a matter of weeks.
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    In the 1930s, Japan sought to industrialize the country, but their small landmass hindered them. They decided to invade Manchuria, China, to gain access to materials. This was the first of many war crimes and outrageous treatments in China.
  • New Deal (FDR)

    In response to the crises of the Great Depression, then president FDR introduced the New Deal, a policy that would aid those suffering the hardship of the ordeal, granting some money with the FERA, and helping many to get jobs.
  • The Great Purge

    Joseph Stalin, under his characteristic "iron fist," began to expunge any and all forces he suspected could oppose him, even exiling people he believed could be thinking of treason, resulting in many dead and many others exiled.
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    Still economically and politically crippled by WWI and the Great Depression, Germany resorted to desperate measures trying to reclaim their place in the world order. One man, Adolf Hitler of Austria, wrote a thesis "Mein Kampf," or 'my dream,' in which he blamed the Jewish population for their situation, which was well taken by Germany. Hitler, with his radical ideas, rose to power and led a mass genocide against the Jews, sparking a second World War.
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    The Holocaust

    This latter period of WWII consisted of Hitler's unspeakable actions towards the Jews, leaving millions and millions of Jews dead.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Like in WWI, the United States remained distant from the conflict in WWII. However, Japanese planes made a decision to bomb the US' Pearl Harbor, leaving many dead and once again gave the US reason to join the war.
  • Communist Revolution in China

    Mao Zedong, ruler of China, creates the People's republic of China through communism, as communism aligned well with China's cultural doctrines.
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    The United states, in lieu of Pearl Harbor, exacted their revenge on Japan by bombing two of their most important war manufacturing cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, leaving many dead from the blasts.
  • United Nations

    After WWII, the world powers once again came together to form an international organization, essentially a new League of Nations, as the first one failed.
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    Green Revolution

    India, during this time, began to upgrade their agricultural industry, with new technologies and practices, and new crops.
  • Partition of India

    The Partition was a revolt led by peaceful protester Mahatma Gandhi to remove India from Britain's control, and then dividing into two distinct states; India and Pakistan.
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    The Cold War

    As the dust of WWII settled, the two major world powers made themselves known; the US and the Soviet Union. The United states stood for Western society as a whole and the practice of capitalism and a free market, while Russia, backed by countries like China, stood for unification and the practice of communism. The war gets its name because through its duration, both powers refrained from using heavier firepower like atomic bombs for fear that the other side may reciprocate.
  • Apartheid

    This was the beginning of racial segregations and political violence in South Africa, more coordinated than previously. Many locals began using the term apartheid, or 'apartness,' to describe the situation.
  • NATO

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created under the phrase "an attack on one is an attack on all." They oversee international treaties concerning any of its members.
  • Korean War

    This conflict was one of the Cold War between North and South Korea, creating a defined schism between the two states.
  • Warsaw Pact

    The Warsaw pact was a treaty between the USSR and several of its satellite states.
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    Vietnam War

    This was yet another Cold War conflict, this time between communist Vietnam and the US. This war also introduced the deadly chemical "Agent Orange," which left many soldiers on both sides with lasting diseases such as Parkinsons, cancer, Alzheimers, tremors, and arthritis later in life.
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    Great Leap Forward

    Mao Zedong attempted to modernize China with communism, through the exploitation of its citizens in grueling labor.
  • Berlin Wall

    East German soldiers, to oppress and, to some extent, torture those in West Germany, laid concrete walls and barbed wire to separate the country.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    On this day, several Soviet ships were spotted making a beeline for the US, stopping at Cuba. They, after a time, turned around and left. According to many, this was the closest time we have ever been to WWIII
  • Tiananmen Square

    Several college students were protesting free speech in the Tiananmen Square in China, but were oppressed by the government. One student was even run over by a tank, but he took it willingly in the hopes that the people may see it and take the protests further. However, all recordings and mention of the event are censored throughout China.
  • Berlin Wall falls

    The Berlin wall, which had been separating Germany between East and West since 1961, finally fell.
  • USSR falls

    After decades of decline in Russia, the Soviet Union finally collapses.
  • Apartheid Ends

    A new constitution was created to include all ethnic groups in South Africa. With the access to voting, many of the previously excluded people were able to vote for the inclusion activist Nelson Mandela, bringing him to a place of stature where he could help further.
  • 9/11

    On this day, a coordinated hijacking took control of several planes, one hitting the south tower of the World Trade Center, one hitting the north tower, and one hitting the Pentagon. A fourth plane was supposed to hit the home and workplace of the US president, the White House, but passengers fought to regain control of the plane and crashed it in a small Pennsylvania town instead.