

  • National Farmers Union

    National Farmers Union
    The NFU was founded by 10 families in 1902, orgiannly as Farmers Educational Cooperative Union of America in Point, Texas. The original values were "advocated for increased co-operative rights, fair market access for farmers, direct election of senators and voting rights for women" Now they are "A world in which farm families and their communities are respected, valued, and enjoy economic prosperity and social justice."
  • Hog Cholera

    Hog Cholera
    Hog Cholera was a disease in the early 1900s that often devastated farms. The infected pigs were often quarantine and the USDA scientists helped develop a vaccine. Today, hogs are healthier than ever.
  • Food And Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act

    Food And Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act
    In 1905, Upton Sinclair wrote a book called The Jungle after inspecting a meat processing plant and seeing its awful conditions. On March 10,1906, he sent a letter to President Roosevelt calling for action. Roosevelt passed both the Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act that year.
  • Horses And Mules

    Horses And Mules
    The pulling of farm equipment was ainly pulled my horses and mules, often by more than one. This helped farmers get more work done faster and caused less of a sweat.
  • A New Fertilizer

    A New Fertilizer
    Up until early 1900s, farmers used guano for their fertilizer. Well, as it became less available and more expensive, a new fertilizer had to be found. In 1909, Fritz Haber succeeded in making annomia, and in 1913, him and Carl Bosch opened up a large factory.
  • The 4H club

    The 4H club
    Congress created the Cooperative Extension Service at the USDA in 1914, and the 4H club opened up to boys and girls. 4H stands for Head, Heart,Hands, and Health and helps youth connect to the agriculture in their community
  • Farm Equipment becomes mechanical

    Farm Equipment becomes mechanical
    With WW1 happening, farm equiptment became more mechanical becuase animals were needed. It took long for many to be used, but around 1915 was when the first ones were popping up.
  • The Lowell System

    The Lowell System
    The Lowell system was a manufacturing system that got all of the manufacturing process done under one roof. It was created in 1916 by Francis Cabot Lowell and changed the textile making process forever.
  • Farmerettes

    When the men went off to war, women started farming, despite what the federal government said. They made the same wages as men, and the greatest demand for them was in Northeastern US. Around 18,000 women were farmerettes and after time, farmers across the US learned to accept their help.
  • Farm Bureau Federation

    Farm Bureau Federation
    34 States met on November 12th 1919 to establish the Farm Bureau Federation. After 1915, many statewide farm bureaus were formed but this was the first national one.
  • National Arboretum

    National Arboretum
    Developed in order to help America plant trees and shrubs that have a lasting effect. They would help prevent invasive species and help farmers discover which plants grow best in their region. Today it is located in Washington Dc and is 446 acres of gardens.
  • Future Farmers of America

    Future Farmers of America
    33 students from 18 states gathered in kansas city to form the FFA. Many boys were leaving the farm and this club was meant to help cities learn to appreciate agriculture beauty.