Reciprocity Treaty of Hawaii
This treaty gave the U.S free access for sugar and other products. The U.S also gained land that eventually turned into Pearl Harbor naval base. America had big investments in Hawaii's sugarcane companies. This helped to build groundwork on Hawaii's islands and then helped lead them to annexation. -
The Annexation of Hawaii
The Queen of Hawaii thought international interferences were a major problem and tried to stop them. President Cleveland was elected after McKinely and the congress passed a bill annexing Hawaii. There were racial attitudes and party politics that were surpassed by a bipartisan compromise and then Hawaii became the 50th state. -
The Maine Explodes
There was an explosion of a ship in Cuba's Havanna harbor. The cause of the explosion was unknown killing 260 American crew members. This ship was one of America's first battleships. Most of the public and Congress thought that it had something to do with Spain. This helped to lead us in the decision of declaring war on Spain. The Maine was stationed in Havanna to show that the U.S supported the Cuban independence movement. -
Declaring war on Spain
The U.S declared war on Spain after the sinking of the USS Maine. President went to congress proposing an idea of declaring war on Spain. The Spanish military responded with brutal forces. President McKinley wanted to avoid armed conflict but the media was portraying him as weak. The public pressure played a big role in the decision of declaring war. -
The Battle of Guantanamo bay
This was a naval base originally opened in 1889 as a naval base for the U.S during the Spanish-American war. Since the war is now over it is a maximum security prison for terrorists. Guantanamo bay is located on the southeastern side of Cuba. -
Treaty of Paris
This was signed in Paris to formally end the Spanish- American war it also granted the U.S it's first overseas empire. Within the treaty, Spain agreed to remove all soldiers from Cuba. The United States received Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. -
The Boxer Rebellion
There was an uprising in northern China against the spread of western and Japanese influence. The rebels were mad about this and started to take action aginst it.This was a movement that was in the Beijing area where boxers would kill Chinese Christians they also destroyed churches. American troops came in to help restrain the boxers. -
The Big Stick Diplomacy
The Big Stick Diplomacy was Roosevelt's idea to try to create peace. By speaking softly and carrying a big stick while showing the power of your military. He first used this idea in front of congress to convince them to increase naval preparation so they could support other nations. -
The Panama Canal (Building)
This is the day the building started for the Panama Canal. The reason it was being built was for quicker transport for trade and military. It is in between the Atlantic and Pacific ocean. It took ten years to build and it cost the U.S $375 million dollars to build. From shoreline to shoreline the canal is 40 miles long. There were more than 40,000 people employed to work on the canal project at one time and they were from nearly 50 different countries. -
The Sinking of the Lusitania
The Lusitania was a passenger liner that was sunk by torpedoes from a German U-boat. There were over 100 American passengers aboard the ship went it went down. This brought America out of the neutrality and drew them to the side of the Allies. Germany declared the seas around Great Britain was a war zone. The Germans thought the ship was carrying war supplies. -
The Zimmerman Note
It was a message from the German foreign secretary to the German ambassador to Mexico proposing an alliance between Mexico and Germany in case there was a war between U.S and Germany. Wilson had proposed to congress that they should arm the ships incase of possible German attacks. -
The U.S declares war on Germany and enters WW1
President Wilson gave a speech to congress asking to declare war on Germany saying "fight for the ultimate peace of the world". Wilson was given the go ahead two days later. The U.S had two reasons to declare war on Germany because the sinking of the Lusitania and the possible plot of Germany and Mexico incase of war. -
Wilson's 14 point speech
President gave a speech before congress outlining his 14 points to create peace and end the war. He wanted WW1 to be the war to end all wars. He had set specific goals to achieve during the war ansd he wanted to establish what the solilders were fighting for.The other allied nations were sceptical of his plan. The promises in his plan began to draw Germany into peace talks towards the end of war. -
WW1 ends
This war was known as the war to end all wars. There was many lives taken and many lives taken. The peace treaty is what officially ended the war (the treaty of Versailles). A punishment was given to Germany that weakened Europe and laided the groundwork for World War ll. -
The Treaty of Versailles
This was the official end of WW1 and it was negotiated between all the allied powers. Germany didn't have much say in the treaty and the treaty was very harsh towards Germany. They were forced to assume full responsibility for starting the war. Land was forced to be given up to France and there had to be a reparation paid close to $66 billion at first then it was reduced to $33 billion.