
  • Devastating hurricane in Galveston, Texas

    Kills 5,000 people
  • U.S. population is over 75,000,000

  • William McKinley is re-elected president of the U.S.

  • President McKinley shot

    President McKinley is shot twice on September 6 by anarchist Leon Czolgosz, while touring the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. One bullet was removed, but the doctors were unable to find the second. McKinley dies on September 14. Theodore Roosevelt becomes the twenty-sixth president.
  • First successful airplane flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina by Orville and Wilbur Wright

  • Theodore Roosevelt inaugurated president

  • San Francisco's great earthquake

  • Oklahoma becomes the 46th state in the U.S.

  • First Model T Ford introduced

  • William Howard Taft inaugurated as twenty-seventh president.

    Teddy Roosevelt leaves for hunting trip in Africa.
  • Boy Scouts of America and Camp Fire Girls Organization founded

  • Calbraith Perry Rodgers makes the first transcontinental flight across the U.S.

  • Titanic sinks

    The RMS Titanic sinks, April 15, 1912, causing the deaths of 1,514 people.
  • Woodrow Wilson is inaugurated as the 28th president.

    Democrat Woodrow Wilson defeats Republican William H. Taft, Bull Moose Theodore Roosevelt and Socialist Eugene V. Debs for the presidency
  • Henry Ford introduces moving assembly line

  • Federal Reserve Bank established

  • Transcontinental phone service from New York to San Francisco

  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand and wife Sophie assassinated in Sarajevo; World War I begins

  • The Lusitania is sunk off the coast of Ireland and the Coast Guard is formed

  • Woodrow Wilson is re-elected on "He Kept Us Out of War" slogan

  • National Park Service created

  • U.S. Congress declares war on Germany and passes the Selective Service Act, entering World War I.

  • 18th Admendment

    On August 1, 1917 the Senate passes a resolution with the language of the 18th Amendment to ban the sale, distribution, and manufacture alcoholic beverages. This then needed to be ratified by 36 states.
  • In June 1918 the Italian Army successfully defeats the Austrian army at the Piave River, a major turning point in World War I. The U.S. supports Italy with needed materials such as coal and steel.

  • "Spanish flu" influenza epidemic becomes global pandemic

  • Grand Canyon National Park is established in Arizona

  • "Black Sox" baseball scandal

    9 men are accused of throwing the World Series in exchange for money from gamblers. One of whom is Shoeless Joe Jackson, one of the greatest to ever play.
  • Versailles Peace Conference in France.

    Negotiations for end of World War I. U. S. Senate will refuse to ratify resulting treaty due to League of Nations.
  • 19th Amendment ratified; gives women the right to vote