
By sjdh
  • United States Population exceeds 75 Million

  • The Election of 1900

    The election would ultimately be awarded to William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt.
  • President McKinley is Assassinated, Succeeded by Theodore Roosevelt

  • U.S. Steel is Founded

  • "Big Stick Diplomacy" Begins

  • Department of Commerce and Labor is Founded

  • Ford Motor Company is Formed

  • Wright Brothers take their First Flight in the "Wright Flyer"

  • Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

  • United States takes over the Panama Canal Project

  • The Election of 1904

    The election would ultimately be awarded to Theodore Roosevelt and Charles W. Fairbanks.
  • Albert Einstein Publishes his Theory of Relativity

  • Oklahoma is Admitted to the Union

  • Ford Model T is Released

  • Federal Bureau of Investigation is Established

  • The Election of 1908

    The election would ultimately be awarded to William Howard Taft and James S. Sherman.
  • Taft Implements "Dollar Diplomacy"

  • The United States Supreme Court breaks up Standard Oil

  • RMS Titanic Sinks

  • Vice President Sherman Dies

  • The Election of 1912

    The election would ultimately be awarded to Woodrow Wilson and Thomas R. Marshall.
  • The Sixteenth Amendment is Ratified

    The 16th Amendment introduced an income tax.
  • The Seventeenth Amendment is Ratified

    The 17th Amendment allowed popular election for U.S. Senators.
  • Federal Trade Commision Established

  • RMS Lusitania is Sunk

  • The Election of 1916

    The election would ultimately be awarded to Woodrow Wilson and Thomas R. Marshall.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

  • Period: to

    First Red Scare

  • The United States enters World War I

  • Espionage and Sedition Acts

  • President Wilson Sufferes a Stroke; First Lady Edith Wilson assumes power

  • U.S. Senate Rejects the League of Nations

  • The Eighteenth Amendment is Ratified

    The 18th Amendment established prohibition.
  • Treaty of Versailles Signed

  • The Ninteenth Amendment is Ratified

    The 19th Amendment allowed women to vote in elections.
  • Sacco and Vanzetti are Arrested

  • Economic Downturn; Depression of 1920 Begins

  • The Election of 1920

    The election would ultimately be awarded to Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge.