
  • Platt Amendment

    US gets base in Cuba, can intervene with troops, controls foreign affairs of Cuba
  • Hay Bunau Varilla Treaty

    gives US Panama canal zone
  • Roosevelt Cororallary

    Addition to Monroe Doctrine, makes US police force in North America
  • Industrial Workers of the World

    radical trade union, promoted worker solidarity
  • the Jungle

    by Upton Sinclair, on meat packing and social problems of lower class
  • Gentlemens Agreement

    Japanese in California may return to white schools, if Japan limits immigration to US
  • 13th Amendment

    income tax
  • Lusitania

    sunk by German sub
  • Food Administration

    ration food - headed by Hoover
  • Great Migration

    blacks move north to get industry jobs, causes race riots
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Germany accepts blame for war, demilitarize, Germany looses colonies, Austria-Hungary breaks apart
  • Espionage and Sedition Act

    suppress criticism, can't interfere w/ draft
  • 18th Amendement

  • 19th Amendment

    female suffrage