
  • 1901 26th President

    Former President McKinley was killed so Roosevelt becomes gthe 26th President.
  • 1913; 16th Amend Ment

    The 16th Amendment establishes an income tax.
  • 1914 WW1

    WW1 first started when Austria declares war on Serbia.
  • 1916 Great Migration

    In 1916 The Great Migration Begins causing millions of immigrants to come to the U.S for a better life.
  • 1918; Midterm Election

    Republicans gain congress back in the Midterm elections.
  • 1918; Spanish Flue

    In 1918 the Spanish flue reaches the U.S and begins to Spread.
  • 1919; Treaty of Versailles

    The U.S senate rejects the Treaty of Versailles and League of Nations.
  • 1920 19th Amendment

    The 19th Amendment granted women the right to vote.
  • 1920 Depression

    The Economy collapses in the U.S and causes the Depression of 1920