
  • McKinley killed and Roosevelt becomes President

  • US occupies Latin American islands

  • US acquires Panama Canal Zone

  • Roosevelt is reelected

  • Pure Food and Drug Act passes

  • Meat Inspection Act

  • Great White Fleet created

  • Bureau of Investigation established

  • Ford Model T goes on market

  • William Taft elected President

  • Taft begins Dollar Diplomacy

  • Mann-Elkins Act passes

  • Standard Oil Co. broken up by Supreme Court

  • Triangle Shirtwaste Factory fire

  • Titanic sinks

  • Woodrow Wilson elected President

  • Womans Sufrage Parade

  • 16th Amendment passed

  • Modern Assembly line by Ford

  • Clayton Anti-Trust Act passed

  • WWI begins

  • US acquires Virgin Islands

  • Federal Farm Loan Act passed

  • Zimmermann Telegram discovered

  • US enters WWI

  • Espionage and Sedition Acts passed

  • Treaty of Versailles

  • 18th Amendment passed