18th Century History of Education

  • Yale was founded

    The University of Yale was created. This offered students higher levels of education.
  • First Public Library

    Benjamin Franklin, along with a philosophical group, the Junto, opened the first public library. This created more people to start reading.
  • The Franklin Academy

    Benjamin Franklin established a new kind of secondary school. Replaced some schools and offered athletics, navigation, and bookkeeping.
  • Samp Act

    The Stamp Act affected schools in America by taxing supplies, which made it more difficult to have their needs met.
  • Declaratory Act

    The Declaratory Act empowered Great Britain to pass laws. The Declaratory Act made the schools shift back to Great Britain's school system.
  • Declaration of Independance

    We signed the Declaration of Independence. The U.S. people gained independance.
  • Two- Track Education System

    This split education into law, ministry, or medicine schools; practical, laboring trades, such as ironwork or shipbuilding. This system created vocational schools.
  • Young Ladies Academy

    The first academy for girls opened in America. It taught young ladies reading, writing, English, grammar, composition, and geography.