Mercantilism was an important economic policy in Europe from the 16th century through the 18th century. This policy was defined by a country maximizing its exports and minimizing its imports. Through mercantilism, government regulation of the economy was promoted. Europe wanted to create a favorable balance of trade through the use of Mercantilism. This economic policy was practiced in Europe during the 18th century. -
Beginning of the War of the Spanish Succession
The War of the Spanish Succession began after King Charles II of Spain died without bearing any children. The main conflict throughout this war was over who was going to gain the Spanish throne. France wanted Philip V of Spain to take the Spanish throne since he was the grandson of King Louis XIV of France. Archduke Charles also gained the support of having the Spanish throne. He was the son of Emperor Leopold II. -
End of the War of the Spanish Succession
The War of the Spanish Succession ended with Philip V ascending to the Spanish throne. Philip V had to permanently renounce his claim to the French throne in order to become the King of Spain. As an impact of the war, the Austrians gained most of the Spanish territories in Italy and the Netherlands. The overall end of the War of the Spanish Succession was the Peace of Utrecht. -
Beginning of The Enlightenment
The Enlightenment started in 1715 due to the challenges caused by the Thirty Years War. This movement was centered around the ideas of reason with ideals such as liberty, progress, and tolerance. Some of the main thinkers of this time included John Locke, Charles Montesquieu, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. -
Enlightened Absolutism
The idea of Enlightened Absolutism emerged during the period of Enlightenment in Europe. Monarchs that practiced Enlightened Absolutism based their rulings on the ideas of the Enlightenment. The most famous Enlightened Absolutist monarchs included Joseph II of Austria, Catherine the Great, and Frederick the Great. -
Beginning of the War of the Austrian Succession
The War of the Austrian Succession began when Prussian, Frederick II invaded Silesia. At the time Silesia was one of the wealthiest Hasburg provinces. This war was caused by the death of Emperor Charles VI and was fought over who would inherit the throne of the Hasburg monarchy. -
End of the War of the Austrian Succesion
The War of the Austrian Succession was the last major battle for the Bourbon-Hasburg dynasty conflict. This war ended with the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. This treaty preserved the Austrian inheritance for Maria Theresa. Out of this treaty Prussia still held possession of Silesia. This war and treaty did not solve any of the conflicts that were raging on between France and Britain. -
Beginning of Seven Years War
The Seven Years War was a global conflict that was fought mainly because of the fight between Britain and France for global superiority. This war started because of France's repeated armed conflict with the British colonies. This war had a great effect on the status of France. -
Beginning of Industrial Revolution
Within Europe, this revolution was a time of development that changed normally rural areas and societies into developed urban areas. During the Industrial Revolution, Europe experienced a period of technological advancements. Some of the advancements of this time included the steam engine, electric motors, and factory machines. Many European people moved from rural areas into the city's looking for work. This revolution lasted throughout the first part of the 19th century. -
End of Seven Years War
The Seven Years War ended when the Treaty of Hubertusburg and the Treaty of Paris was signed. Through the Treaty of Pairs, France lost all ties to Canada. France also had to give Louisiana to Spain and the British received Spanish Florida, Upper Canada, and other France lands. -
Beginning of Pugachev's Rebellion
The Pugachev's Rebellion begin in 1773 in the Russian Empire after the rise to power of Catherine the Great. The rebellion was led by Yemelyan Pugachev. This rebellion was a series of revolts from Cossacks, Russian peasants, factory serfs, and non-Russians. -
End of Pugachev's Rebellion
Pugachev's Rebellion ended with the execution of Pugachev in Moscow in January of 1775. The rebellion was heavily ended by the Russian army. After Pugachev's Rebellion, Catherine the Great created a series of reforms for the Russian nobility that allowed them to have greater control of their land and serfs. -
End of The Enlightenment
The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement that spread through Europe during the 18th Century. The idea of reason was the main source of authority and legitimacy during the Enlightenment. This movement had a great impact on both the American Revolution and the French Revolution. -
Beginning of The French Revolution
The French Revolution began on May 5th, 1789 with the ending of the Ancien Régime in France and the majority wanting of a constitutional monarchy. The Storming of Bastille in July of 1789, which was the Paris mob attack on a state prison became the starting symbol of the French Revolution. The French Revolution was social fight over the relationship between the rulers and the governed of France. -
Women's March on Versailles
On October 5th, 1789 women that were from the marketplaces of Paris led a march on the Palace of Versailles in Versailles, France. The Paris women held a great concern about the high prices of bread and the scarcity of bread. The women demanded bread for their families. This march forced the royal family to return to Paris. The Women's March on Versailles was a key event in The French Revolution. -
End of The French Revolution
On November 9th, 1799 Napoleon Bonaparte set himself as France's "first consul". This allowed Napoleon to take power over France. Napoleon's rise to power ended The French Revolution and also began the age of his dictatorship.