18th Century

By bellah2
  • Period: to

    18th Century Europe

  • St. Petersburg was founded

    St. Petersburg was founded
    Peter the Great establishes the new Russian capital of St. Petersburg on the Baltic Sea. Peter the Great was in desperate need of a warm-water seaport. He was looking to establish a modern, westernized capital. Through St. Petersburg he shows off his high class life as an absolute monarch.
  • Sir Issac Newton publishes Opkics

    Sir Issac Newton publishes Opkics
    In 1704, Isaac Newton publishes his study on optics. Newton focuses in this book on his observations of mirror reflection, diffraction phenomena, and dispersion. He uses a prism to separate white light into a spectrum of colors and to recompose it into white light. This discovery has shown to be the beginning of the modern study of optics.
  • Louis XIV of France Dies

    Louis XIV of France Dies
    At the Palace of Versailles in 1715, Louis XIV of France died of gangrene. The French monarchy would never recover the control or influence it had during his reign. After his death, France has a financial and social crisis. These crises will lead to a revolution in France.
  • Seven Years War Starts

    Seven Years War Starts
    The Seven Years war was a global conflict expanding over 5 continents. In America it was known as The French and Indian War. The War Began with England declaring war on France after years of conflict. The war ended with the singing of the treaty of Paris which took Canada away from France, gave Louisiana to Spain, and England got Spanish Florida.
  • Pugachev's Rebellion

    Pugachev's Rebellion
    Pugachev rallied peasants into rebellion in 1773. He promised them land of their own and freedom from their lords. The rebellion was ended General Michelson and Pugachev was captured and killed. When the rebellion was over the lords created harsher rules for the peasants.
  • The Marriage of Figaro

    The Marriage of Figaro
    Mozart composed The Marriage of Figaro in 1786. It is one of his most well known works. The Marriage of Figaro was an opera. Operas were known critical portrayal of aristocrats and because of that were banned in Vienna.
  • U.S Constitution

    U.S Constitution
    In 1787, The U.S Constitution was written. The U.S constitution is the supreme law, empowered by the authority of the people. It gives the power to the people to run the government how they chose. The U.S constitution was inspired many more documents for future governments.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French Revolution began when the Ancien Régime was abolished in favor of a constitutional monarchy. The Revolution truly started on July 14th when revolutionaries stormed a prison called Bastille. The French revolution failed to establish either a constitutional monarchy or a representative government. The Revolution ended with the military dictatorship of Napoleon.
  • Smallpox Vaccine

    Smallpox Vaccine
    Edward Jenner created the worlds first vaccine for small pox. He created the vaccine by taking fluid from a cowpox blister and starching it into the skin of an eight year old boy. A blister formed but the child recovered. He repeated the process with smallpox and thus created the first vaccine.
  • Consul Napoleon

    Consul Napoleon
    Napoleon was appointed the first ever Consul of France. He was an successful undefeated general for France. When he returned to Paris the government was still very unstable. He got help from Emmanuel Sieyes and eventually became Consul.