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  • Seward's Folly

    Alaska is purchased for $7 million from Russia. Thought at the time foolish but served as a buffer, weakening of Russia, and a gold mine for natural resources.
  • Richest Men

    Vanderbilt, Rockefeller (Standard Oil). Carnegie (Steel), J.P. Morgan
    All gave massive amounts to charity except Morgan who spent it on art.
  • Granger Movement

    A coalition​ of farmers to counteract big business and to allow farmers to get a fair price for crops.
  • Coinage Act

    was known by some as the 'crime of '73". Gold standard.
  • Greenback Party

    Opposed hard currency, supported Income Tax, 8 hour day, and women's sufferage.
  • Custer's regiment decimated at Little BigHorn

    by Sioux Indian under Sitting Bull
  • Colorado becomes a state

  • Telephone patented

    Alexander Graham Bell
  • Reconstruction era ends

  • Socialist Party formed.

    Debs is head in 1897 and it is firmly entrenched.
  • President Hayes elected

    Resigned after one term.
  • Bland-Allison Act

    Resume buying of Silver
  • 1st electric street lights

  • Edison's commercial lightbulb

    Produces electric generators for businesses and opens the ​largest lab for inventions and advancements.
  • Knights of Labor go public

  • Standard Oil Trust is formed

    Largest oil refinery and owned 90% of pipelines and refineries.
  • 1st Elevated Railroad/Chicago

  • Red Cross

    Established by Clara Barton
  • James Garfield inaugurated

    20th President.
  • President Garfield shot

    Shot in July & died in September
  • VP Chester Arthur assumes Presidency

  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Stopping Chinese immigration
  • US adopts Standard Time

    Time Zones are established for railroad schedules.
  • Grover Cleveland is elected

    Only Democrat elected between 1860-1913. Felt he was to be watchdog over congress and reduce public spending.
  • 1st Skyscraper

    10 stories
  • National Strike

    Nationwide involving 300-500k strikers
  • Haymarket Riots

    Bombing killing 7 policemen/police opening fire killing 4/attitudes changed, union=radicalism
  • AFL/Samuel Gompers

    "pure and simple unionism"
  • Railroad Strike

  • Interstate Commerce Act

    Railroad to be regulated and submit an annual report to the US govt. Established Interstate Commerce Commission.
  • Cleveland veto of Texas Seed Bill

    against government intervention
  • Harrison is elected

    Was said to have bought electoral votes. Initiated Civil Service Reform
  • North & South Dakota, Montana, Washington admitted

  • Otis Elevator invented

  • 1890 The Rise of Inequality

    1% of Americans own 25% of nations assets. Top 10% own over 70%.
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act passed

  • Sherman Silver Purchase Act

    Required the U.S. Government to purchase twice as much silver than with the Bland Allison Act but also add money​ to the circulation.
  • Idaho, Wyoming admitted

  • Battle of Wounded Knee

    massacre of 150-300 plains Indians​.
  • The Populist Party created

    3rd political party created to aid Farmers
  • Southern Horrors: Lynch laws

    Documenting the South's lynching culture
  • Ellis Island is Opened

    Will be the gateway to over 12 million immigrants​.
  • Repeal of Sherman Silver Act

  • Panic/Depression

    Reading Railroad goes bankrupt. Drought, over-production affects farms.
  • William McKinley is elected

    Ran against Bryan who was favored but the electoral votes split with Populist votes and a different VP.
  • War with Spain

    It started with the explosion in Havana ("remember the Maine") & independence in Cuba. It ended the Spanish colonial rule.
  • Hawaii Annexed

  • Peace with Spain

    U.S. receives Philippines, Samoa, Guam, & Puerto Rico
  • Gold Standard created