
  • Battle of Little Big Horn

    Also known as Custer's Last Stand. An overwhelming victory for the Lakota, and major defeat for US forces. Most significant battle of the Great Sioux War of 1876
  • President Ulysses S. Grant leaves office and Rutherford Hayes enters.

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    President Rutherford Hayes

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    Great Railroad Strike

    A strike by railroad workers after the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company cut wages. The strike lasted 69 days, and finally put down by militias, national guard and federal troops.
  • Edison "perfects" the lightbulb

    Light bulbs had existed beforehand, but did not last for much longer than a few minutes or hours. Edison's (one of many) designs proved to last for a number of hours before failing. He could not successfully patent it.
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    James Garfield

  • James Garfield severely wounded

    Shot and severely wounded by Charles Guiteau. Hospitalized for 11 weeks until death.
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    President Chester Arthur

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    President Grover Cleveland

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    President Benjamin Harrison

  • People's Populist Party founded

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    President Grover Cleveland

  • Chicago host's Worlds Fair

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    President William McKinley

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    Spanish American War

    First declared war by the US after the explosion of the USS Maine. US forces took part in battle with Cuban revolutionaries. Victory gave the US temporary (and later independence) of Cuba, along with ownership of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.
  • Hawaii annexed

    In 1983 group of non-natives performed a coup d'état against Queen Liliʻuokalani, and established the Republic of Hawaii. The land was soon later annexed by the United States.
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    Philippine–American War

    War with the First Philippine Republic after they refused to accept ownership by the US after the Treaty of Paris. Civilians would take heavy casualties from famine and disease.