
  • Invention of the telephone

    Invention of the telephone
  • Colorado officially becomes a U.S. state

  • Compromise of 1877

  • Rutherford B. Hayes becomes president

    Rutherford B. Hayes becomes president
  • Invention of the light-bulb

    Invention of the light-bulb
  • James A. Garfield becomes president

    James A. Garfield becomes president
  • James A. Garfield is assassinated

  • Chester A. Arthur becomes president

  • Grover Cleveland becomes president

    Grover Cleveland becomes president
  • Dawes Act of 1887

  • Benjamin Harris becomes president

    Benjamin Harris becomes president
  • Washington, South Dakota, and North Dakota all become states

  • Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890

  • Idaho becomes a U.S. state

  • Wyoming becomes a official State

  • Tariff Act of 1890

  • Baltimore Crisis

  • Economic Panic of 1893

  • Cleveland's second term as president

  • Utah becomes a state

  • William McKinley becomes president

    William McKinley becomes president
  • Dingley Act

  • Period: to

    American-Spanish War

  • Treaty of Paris