
By Isendre
  • Invention of the first telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell wins patent for the first Telephone in the United States
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    The battle between Lakota and other Plains Indians against the 7th Cavalry of the United States Army
  • Great Railroad Strike

    The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 was the first real major strike of the industrial revolution.
  • Invention of the lightbulb

    Tomas Edison patents the invention of the first incandescent light bulb.
  • James Garfield was elected

    James Garfield beat Windfield Hancock in the presidential election
  • Election of 1884

    Grover Cleveland won the election of 1884 versus James Blaine
  • The Haymarket Affair

    A bombing that took place at the Haymarket Square in Chicago during a peaceful rally.
  • The Dawes Severalty Act

    The Dawes act was passed by congress allowing the president to break up reservation land.
  • Election of 1888

    Grover Cleveland was reelected.
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    The Sherman Anti-Trust Act was passed to prohibit trusts and regulate interstate commerce.
  • The formation of the Peoples Party (Populist Party)

    The Populist Party was formed from the remnants of the Greenback Party and the Farmers Alliance.
  • Homestead Strike

    The Homestead Strike was a riot between Carnegie Steel and many of their workers.
  • The Pullman Strike

    The Pullman Strike was a widespread railroad strike that disrupted the railroads in many states. Labor Day was created due to these strikes.
  • Henry Fords first automobile

    Henry Ford unveils his first automobile, his Quadricycle.
  • The Spanish American War

    The United States entered war with Spain and starting conflicts in the Philippines.