
  • The Great Railroad Strike

    Railroad workers campaign fro higher wages across the entire country. The campaign was not successful, but it was a stepping stone for the first labor unions to be formed.
  • Edison Invents the Lightbulb

    Edison invents a working lightbulb!
  • Henry Georges Best Seller

    Henry George writes a best seller titled, "Progress and Poverty".
  • Sitting Bull Surrender

    The Sitting Bulls end their fighting with the United States, which ended resistance to Native American settlement reserves.
  • Chinese Exculsion Act

    Congresses passes an act that prohibited Japanese people from entering the country.
  • Immigration Act

    The Immigration Act was passed by Congress. This limited immigrants who were unable to support themselves, the mentally ill and criminals from entering into the United States.
  • President Grover Cleveland

    President Grover Cleveland was elected President of the United States.
  • Interstates Commerce Act

    This act aided in stopping discriminatory pricing within businesses.
  • Dawes Act

    This act split indian tribal groups into families, rather than a whole tribe in one living quarter.
  • President Benjamin Harrison

    President Benjamin Harrison is elected President of the United States of America.
  • The Other Half

    Jacob Riis publishes his controversial and eye opening book, titiles "How The Other Half Lives".
  • Iron Strike

    Union workers strike at one of Andrew Carnegies steel mills. Military is called in and ended up disarming the unions.
  • Frontier Thesis

    Frederick Turner publishes his thesis.
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman railway workers and the American Railway Union come together to go on strike. The strike is broken up when their leader, Eugene Debs, is arrested.
  • Plessy v Furguson

    The Supreme Court ruled that discrimination was alright as long as it was "separate but equal".
  • Gold Standard Act

    Congress passes this act, which ends the argument of whether the United States would have a gold standard or not.