
By ellap09
  • Invention of the Telephone

    The first phone call was made by Alexander Graham Bell to Thomas Watson. This was the beginning to a new era and changing what was next to come.
  • Nez Perce Indian War

    The Nez Perce Indian war took place in 1877 when a band of allied Indians attempted to fight against the United States Army. This war was noted as the most tragic of Indian wars for the time period, lasting months and stretching across areas that are now known as Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana. The war ended with United States victory.
  • Bland-Allison Act

    This act was placed as an order from Congress to force the United States Treasury to buy and circulate silver as currency. This helped America have set currency and a way to pay.
  • The Light Bulb

    In 1879, Thomas Edison invented the light bulb after many attempts. This not only changed the life in this time drastically, but is also still helping a lot in this time today.
  • James Garfield become President

    James A. Garfield was elected as the twentieth president where he was later assassinated in his first year of office.
  • Exclusion Act

    The Chinese Exclusion Act was a United States federal law signed by President Arthur on May 6, 1882 which prohibited all immigration of Chinese laborers.
  • The Brooklyn Bridge

    Starting in 1869, the Brooklyn Bridge was completed in 1883 originally called the New York and Brooklyn Bridge and the East River Bridge.
  • Stanford University

    Stanford University of California was founded in 1885. During this time, California areas tried harder to obtain higher education and this is an outcome of this.
  • Dawes General Allotment Act

    This act was passed to help create responsible farmers in the eyes of the white American image when it came to the reserved land of the Indians.
  • National Council of Women

    This council was established simply to increase the amount of women in the society
  • Immigration Act

    This act helped decide who could and could not enter the U.S. neglecting those of criminals and the sick. This act came with a entry where you would go through the federal office and be "inspected" before approved.
  • Ellis Island Opens

    Ellis Island was the first immigration station to open in New York Harbor where nearly 12 million immigrants would soon come through to enter in to the United States.
  • Motion Picture

    Thomas Edison invents the motion picture with much trial and error, the famous inventor was able to link his the correct parts needed to create the motion picture. Although it was black and white and required the watcher to look through a small lens, it was a step towards the future.
  • Utah

    Utah is founded and admitted as the 45th U.S. state.
  • Gold is Discovered

    George Carmack discovered gold in the Yukon Territory which was the last great gold rush in the American West. Thousands migrated to the area with hopes of striking gold and becoming rich.
  • Subway

    The first subway station is opened and helping people move to where they need to be in Boston.
  • USS Maine

    As she was sent to Havana, Cuba to protect U.S. interests during local unrest, Maine was sunk by a massive explosion on February 15. 350 officers and crew started on the Maine but found 252 were dead or missing.
  • Invention of the Radio

    After the invention of the motion picture, the radio was invented which also further helped the nation step closer to the future from the ideas and help of Guglielmo Marconi.