End of Civil War
During that time, Robert E. Lee yielded to the former major affiliated army to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865. The Civil War was battled in numerous places, including New Mexico, Florida, Pennsylvania and Texas.However, the mainstream of the combat was carried out in the Virginia as well as Tennessee states. (Foner, E., 2011).1
1. Foner, Eric. Reconstruction: America's unfinished revolution, 1863-1877. Harper Collins, 2011. -
Fourteenth Amendment
The 14th Amendment covers different aspects of the residency and the rights of individual citizens. The 14th Amendment to the American constitution was approved on July 9th, 1868. It is one of the the Reconstruction Amendments passed post-Civil War period. (Martin Kelly, 2017).1
1. Martin Kelly. 14th Amendment Summary: What is the 14th Amendment and What Does It Mean?2017. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/us-constitution-14th-amendment-summary-105382 -
Sherman Antitrust Acts
In 1890, the United States Parliament passed the initial antitrust rule through the Sherman Act. This was the first state effort to stop the concentration of industrial powers amongst the few large companies like the trusts. (Kovacic, W. E., & Winerman, M., 2010).1
1. Kovacic, William E., and Marc Winerman. "Competition Policy and the Application of Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act." Antitrust Law Journal 76, no. 3 (2010): 929-950. -
Anthracite Coal Strike
This was a strike by the Unified Mine Labors in the United States in the Anthracite coalfields of eastern Pennsylvania. The strike was to address the basic wages, less working days, as well as the recognition of their association. The miners wages were increased by ten percent and the working days were reduced from ten hours a day to nine hours. (Cornell, R. J., 1957).1
1. Cornell, Robert J. The anthracite coal strike of 1902. Russell & Russell, 1957 -
Federal Farm Loan Act
The act was passed on July 17th, 1916. It was the U.S. national law intended to increase credit to rural farmers. President Woodrow Wilson signed the Act into law. The aim of the State Farm Credit Law was to assist small-scale farmers by making it easy for them to get credits, loans, and restore free initiative plus a competitive marketplace for agriculture (Buckley, R. J., 1917).1
1.Buckley, Robert J. "The Federal Farm-Loan Act." Journal of Political Economy 25, no. 2 (1917): 129-147 -
1923 Agricultural Credit Act
The Act was aimed at developing distinct techniques of offering credit as well as loans, particularly to the growers. The law formed a system of twelve State Intermediate Credit Banks in diverse areas of the nation and each exploited at $5 million to loan cash to farmstead and support farming establishments and resolve farming crisis of overproduction.
1. Henderson, G. C. "The Agricultural Credits Act of 1923." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 37, no. 3 (1923): 518-522.