Bessmer process
it was a mechine that allowed to be produce without fuel -
The Gold in the Pikes Peak
Sam Bates and Green Russell found gold in Pikes Peak -
the morrill land grant act
it was a act that let people taje land from other people -
the homestead act
allow people get land to live on -
Transcontinental r/r completed
it was the beginning and building of trains -
Farmers alliance created
an alliance was made with farmers -
Battle of little bighorn
it was a battle over the fact that the government agree to help and then never did -
Statue of Liberty built
well it was when the statue of liverty was built -
Carlisle school established
it was the first government school for native america -
Thomas edison invents light bulb
edison made the light bulb in his laboratory -
Chinese exclusion act
it made it where immergrants weren't allowed to come to the U.S -
Edison lights up NYC
it was the first time a city was lit up with lights -
American federation of labor founded
gave people the right to bargen for a better pay,work hours,safer,conditions -
Dawes act
it allowed the president to take land -
Interstate commerce act passed
gave the power to congress to commerc with foreign nations -
Jacob Riis published his book of photos
he took photos to show how hard it was and still is for emmergrants -
Alfred T Mahan writes his book on sea power
it was a book about how we could use the sea for our power -
Sherman ant-trust act passed
the first law to outlaw the right to be monoplistic -
Wounded knee massacre
its a war that was fought because of a reaction to a reigion movement -
Pullman strike
it was a railroad strike -
Plessy v Ferguson
it was about segragetion -
Holden v hardy
it was a case over the child working laws -
Spanish American War begins
its when the U.S had a marin explode and then got inevloved with the cuba war -
Hawaii is annexed
this is when hawaii became apart of the U.S -
Phillipines islands are annexed
they had war -
Newlands Reclamation act
it was a aid for land -
Panama Canal is built
it was made on may 4th 1904 -
Sinclair’s the Jungle written
its a book -
Lochner v New York
how many work hours you allowed to have is was its all about -
Pure Food and drug act passed
stops the sale of misbranded food or drug -
Hepner act
it recoverd petal of 1,000 -
Muller V Oregon
it was a law that made women not allowed to work 10 hours or more -
Founding of the NAACP
it is a civil rights national associaltion -
17th adm
it allowed voters to vote direct votes for the U.S Senators -
17th adm
it allowed voters to vote directr231 -
Clayton Antitrust act
changes to the law -
Ford Motor company's first full assembly line starts
they made one of the first few cars -
Federal Reserve act
it was when the legislaltion made the federal reserve system -
U-boats created
one of the first U boats were made in 1914 -
Beginning of the first world war
the beginning of the great war -
Lusitania Sunk
it was a boat that sank in 1915
1,195 people died -
US enters WWI
we the U.S enter the war with our ally the Austrialia on December 7th 1917 -
Selective Service act
it was a act that tried to make the U.S. air force stronger -
WWI ends
November 11th of 1918 was the end of the great war -
Fredrick Jackson Turner writes essay of settling the west
he wrote a essay about how important the settlements are for America -
19 adm
it was the amendenment that gave all women the right for voting -
18th adm
the adm prohibited liquours -
Immigration quota act
it limmited the amount of immigrants allowed to go to America -
National origins act
it limmited how many immagrants that are allowed to go to America from eastern and southern Europe -
Scopes trial
it was about a case about someone going against the butler act