The bessemer Process
Was the first industrial process for mass production of steel. -
The Homestead Act
Citizens who had never borne arms against the U.S. government could claim 160 acres of surveyed government land -
Morrill Land Grant Act
Colleges in the U.S. states using the proceeds from sales. -
Transcontinental r/r completed
The completion of the transcontinental railroad -
The Statue of Librty is Built
A French political gifted the statue of liberty to represent liberty being built for America -
Thomas Edison Invents the light bulb.
Thomas Edison had built his first and own electric light source. -
Chinese exclusion act
The first law restricting immigration to America -
Edison lights up NYC
Edison's company flipped the switch on Pearl Street Power Station which gave hundreds electricity. -
Interstate commerce act passed
Grants congress to regulate railroad rates -
Dawes Act
Regulated land rights on native lands -
Sherman ant-trust act passed
Was the act that outlawed monopolistic business practices. -
Discovery of gold in Pikes Peaks
Green Russel and Sam Bates had found an undiscovered 20 ounces of gold.