Pikes Peak gold rush
Homestead Act
Morill Act
provides public land for higher education -
Period: to
Andrew Johnson Presidency
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)
National Grange organized
Period: to
U.S. Grant Presidency (1869-1877)
Jim Fisk and Jay Gould Scandal
Amnesty Act
Panic of 1873
Comstock Law
Whiskey Ring Scandal
The Resumption Act
Battle of the Little Bighorn
Period: to
Rutherford B. Hayes Presidency
The Compromise of 1877
The End of Reconstruction
due to the Compromise of 1877 -
Rail Road Wages cut 10%
The Bland-Allison Act
The Formation of the Greenback Labor Party
Redemtion Day
James A. Garfield Presidency (1881)
Period: to
Chester A. Arthur
Booker T. Washington heads Tuskegee Institute
The Chinese Exclusion Act
First Immigration-Restriction Laws Passed
The Passing of the Pendleton Act
Federal Government outlaws Indian Sun Dance
Period: to
Grover Cleveland Presidency
American Protective Association (APA) formed
Period: to
Benjamin Harrison
Daews Severalty Act
National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) formed
People's Party (populists)
Battle of Wounded Knee
The Formation of the Populist Party
Period: to
Grover Clevland (AGAIN!)
The Depression of 1893
Coxey's Army
Pullman Strike
Plessy v Ferguson Court Case
Allowed segregation laws (Jim Crow laws) -
McKinley wins election of 1896
Period: to
William McKinley
Dingley Tariff Act
Gold Standard Act
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) founded
Indian Reorganization Act