Period: to
Draft riots
People were mad since the black people of the country didnt have to take part in the draft since they weren't "people". -
The Emancipation Proclamation is an executive order issued by United States President Abraham Lincoln. It freed all the slaves all over the country. -
13th Ammendment
The slaves are freed from the plantations -
Force Acts
The Force Act provided for federal scrutiny of congressional elections it was used to prevent election fraud in Southern states during the Reconstruction era -
Civil rights act of 1871
this was passed to protect the blacks from the KKK -
Ned leaves home
Ned leaves home to join a committe to investigate the treatment of blacks on plantations -
Joe Pittman dies
Joe dies when he tries to break a black stallion that kills him in the end -
Pendleton Civil Service Act reform
The act provided selection of government employees competitive exams. so it inforces the merit system -
the Dawes Act
authorized the President of the United States to survey Indian tribal land and divide it into allotments for individual Indians -
New Orleans lynching party
when the white people of New Orleans got fed of with blacks getting thier freedom they lynched them. this was to show other blacks to not mess around and try to get more equality -
Booker T. Washington delivers the Atlanta compramise speech
made sure that southern blacks got education if they worked for white southern people for the week -
Spanish - American War
the U.S. was helping Cuba get its independence from the Spanish rule. -
Ned is killed
Ned gets shot down by Albert when hes on his way home to build his school -
Panama Canal zone acquired
The US talked with the French who controlled it on getting the rights to it. This was a good strategic move the roosevelt made -
NAACP was founded
The NAACP fought for the rights of black people all over the country. The did this by protests and court rulings to get equality -
Albert dies
Albert dies and before he does he starts to scream saying the charriot of hell is coming for him -
WWl starts
Woodrow Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany due to its unrestricted submarine warfare. -
Lusitainia Sinks
On May 7th 1915 the Lusitania was sunk due to a torpedo shot from a German U-boat. -
Jane moves to Samson
She moves here after Ned dies to cook and take care of the house -
Women can vote
Women were able to vote this made a very big impact on the politicial aspect of this time -
Harding is elected president
On June 8, 1920, the Republicans nominated Warren G. Harding, an Ohio newspaper editor and United States Senator, to run for president with Calvin Coolidge, governor of Massachusetts, as his running mate. He later won the election and was inaugurated in 1921. -
Scopes trial
this trial was to see if we could teach evolution in public schools or creationism. it was also to see what happened between those two -
June Cundiff
prohabition ends
when prohabition ended you could legaly buy alchohol and this helped with the economy -
Olds mobile
this vehicle helped with moving around the country and helped to get to your job faster and easyer -
Detroit race riots
this was a fight between the white and black youth of detroit fought since a white girl got insulted by a black man -
Linda Augustine
Korean War
The US tryed to stop the spread of communism in Korea and the world -
22 ammendment
This limited the term of the presedent -
Civil rights Act
this act also helped protect the blacks from the KKK