
By Joccas0
  • Invention of the Hand-Cranked Machine Gun

    This invention was the first machine gun used in combat
  • Period: to

    Civil War

  • Period: to

    Abraham Lincoln, President

  • The siege of Fort Sumter

    the siege was a bombartment on Fort Sumter by the South Carolina militia which started the Civil War
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    Confederation victory over the Union's invasion of Virginia, which allowed them to last longer and increased determination.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Confederate army attempted to defeat Grant's army of 400000, Grant's army was almost lost in the first day but on April 7 Buell's army arrived and allowed Grant to win (one of the first major battles of the Civil War)
  • The Second Bull Run

    Confederate win over the Union army and were Lee sent have of his army to attack the Federal supply base which ended on August 30, 1862
  • Battle of Antietam

    Ended the Confederate invasion of Maryland, a Union victory, which led to Abraham Lincoln to issuing the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation
  • Period: to

    Reconstruction Era

    Time used to help the succeeded States join the United States again
  • Battle of Chancellorsvill

    The Battle of chancellorsville was a major battle of the civil war and was the a Confederate win. This war ended on May 6.
    (Stone Wall Jackson died during this battle)
  • Period: to

    The Siege of vicksburg

    The siege was a major win for the Union and allowed them to take control of the Mississippi River which split the confederation
  • Battle of Gettysberg

    Considered the most important battle (the turning point) in the Civil War which was a win for the Union.
  • The Battle of Atlanta

    An important Confederate military center and supply route was attacked and it was a Union victory
  • Period: to

    Andrew Johnson, President

  • The Battle of Appomattox Courthouse

    Robert E Lee surrenders his army to Ulysses S Grant
  • 13th amendment

    abolished slavery and involuntary servitude
  • The KKK is founded

    A american white supremacist hate group who primarily attacked targets colored people
  • Nebraska becomes a State

    37th state
  • Alaska Purchase Treaty

    Marked the end of Russian efforts to expand trade and settlement to the Pacific coast of North America
  • Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

    He was the first president in Us history to be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors
  • 14th Amendment

    Grants citizenship to all born or naturalized in the US, and equal civil and legal rights
  • Boston opens first public school for deaf

  • Period: to

    Ulysses S Grant, Presidency

  • Invention of the Vacuum Cleaner

    Ives McGaffey
  • 15th Amendment ratified

    Race would no longer be used to discriminate some one from voting
  • The Great Chicago Fire

    a fire that burned Chicago, killed around 300 people and left 100000 homeless and didn't end till October 10
  • Credit Mobilier Scandal

    was a two-part fraud by the Union Pacific Railroad and Credit Mobilier in building the eastern part of the first Transcontinental Railroad
  • Metropolian Museum of Arts Opens

  • Yellowstone Park was founded

  • The Woman's Crusade begins

    started when women in New York marched against retail liqour dealers
  • Period: to

    The Panic Of 1873

    an financial crisis that caused an economic depression
  • Red River Indian War

    military campaign launched to US Army to displace Comanche, Kiowa, Southern Cheyenne, and Arapaho from the Southern Plains and into Indian Territory
  • Invention of the Magazine Arm

  • The Art Student League of New York

    Is an art school
  • Civil rights Act of 1875

    Guaranteed African American equal treatment in public transportations, public accommodation, and service in juries
  • Aristides won the first Kentuky Derby

    Aristides were American thoroughbred horses
  • National baseball legue is founded

  • Colorado becomes a state

    38th State
  • Invention of the Microphone

  • Period: to

    Rutherford B Hayes, Presidency

  • The Yale News becomes the first daily college newspaper in the United States.

  • First Lady Lucy Hayes begins egg rolling contest on White House lawn

  • First commercial light bulb

    made by Thomas Edison
  • US Population Growth

    The US population has reached 50 million people
  • University of Southern California founded

    oldest private research university
  • James A Garfield, Presidency

    only served for about 6 months
  • Period: to

    Chester A Arthur, Presidency

  • Billy the Kid is shot

    was an American outlaw and gunfighter of the Old west
  • The assasination of James A Garfield

    he was shot by Charles J Guiteau because Guiteau was seeking revenge for political image debt
  • Chinese exclusion Act

    prohibited all immigration of Chinese laborers
  • Plyler vs Doe

    It states that denying children who are not "legally admitted" violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment
  • Brooklyn Bridge is opened

    required 14 years to build
  • Microsoft window 1.0, the first independent version of windows11

    was a graphical shell that ran from MS-DOS
  • First Roller Coaster In the US

    Built by L.A Thompson on Coney Island, New York
  • Washington Monument complete

  • Period: to

    Grover Cleveland, Presidency

  • American Telephone & Telegraph (AT&T) incorporates

  • 1st mass production of shoes (Jan Matzeliger in Lynn, Massachusetts

  • US general strike for 8-hour working day begins

  • .S. President Grover Cleveland weds Frances Folsom, 1st presidential marriage to be held at the White House

  • Dawes Act

    authorized the US president subdivide Native Americans to "assume capatalistand propertarian relationships with property"
  • Anne Sullivan begins teaching 6 year old blind-deaf Helen Keller

  • World's first motorcycle race

  • Paten of the Roll Film Camera

  • Edith Eleanor McLean is 1st baby to be placed in an incubator at State Emigrant Hospital on Ward’s Island, New York

  • Invention Of the Ballpoint Pen

    by John Loud
  • Period: to

    Benjamin Harrison, Presidency

  • Adolf Hitler is born

  • At Auburn Prison in New York, murderer William Kemmler becomes the 1st person to be executed by electric chair

  • Dwight D Eisenhower is born

  • Mine explosion kills 109 at Mount Pleasant Pennsylvania

  • 17th Kentucky Derby: Isaac Murphy aboard Kingman wins in 2:52.25

  • The Coca-Cola Company is incorporated in Atlanta, Georgia

  • 1st cattle tuberculosis test in US made, Villa Nova, Penn

  • Period: to

    Grover Cleveland, 2nd Presidency

  • Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City dedicated

  • The first gasoline-powered car debuts in Springfield, Massachusetts

  • Invention of the Radio

    Nikola Tesla
  • 1st public showing of Thomas Edison's kinetoscope (moving pictures)

  • Labor Day established as a holiday for US federal employees

  • World Record Feb 23 Jaap Eden skates world record 10km (17:56

  • 1st US patent granted for auto (George B Selden) for gasoline driven car

  • Wimbledon Women's Tennis: Defending champion Charlotte Cooper beats Alice Simpson Pickering 6-2, 6-3

  • William McKinley (R) defeats William Jennings Bryan (D) for president

  • Period: to

    William McKinley, Presidency

  • The first successful submarine

    can run submerged for any considerable distance and combines electric and gasoline engines is launched in the USA by its designer John Philip Holland
  • Spain grants Puerto Rico autonomy

  • President McKinley asks for Spanish-American War declaration

  • Spanish-American War: The U.S. Congress, on April 25, recognizes that a state of war exists between the United States and Spain

  • Peace protocol ends Spanish-American War, signed

  • Future US President Herbert Hoover marries college sweetheart Lou Henry in Monterey California

  • "Aspirin" patented by Felix Hoffmann at German company Bayer

  • US Post Office issues 1st books of postage stamps

  • US Secretary of State John Hay announces that all nations to whom he sent notes calling for an 'open door' policy in China have essentially accepted his stand

  • Period: to

    Theodore Roosevelt, Presidency

  • US President William McKinley is shot by Leon Czolgosz, an anarchist, while visiting the Pan-American Exposition in New York

  • Walt Disney was born

  • Marie and Pierre Curie isolate the radioactive compound radium chloride

  • "The Wizard of Oz" musical first opens in Chicago, Illinois06

  • 1st automobile trip across the United States

    (San Francisco to New York) completed by Horatio Nelson Jackson and Sewall K. Crocker
  • Boston Americans win the inaugural Baseball World Series

    Pittsburgh Pirates 3-0 in Game 8 at Huntington Avenue for a 5-3 series victory; winning pitcher Bill Dinneen
  • The Wright brothers make the 1st sustained motorized aircraft flight at 10:35 AM, piloted by Orville Wright at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina

  • Dr. Seuss is born

  • Cy Young pitches the first perfect game in "modern" baseball

    for Boston Americans against Philadelphia Athletics's (3-0)
  • First New Year's Eve celebration held in Times Square

  • American anarcho-syndicalist union known as the Industrial Workers of the World forms

  • Albert Einstein finishes his scientific paper detailing his Quantum Theory of Light

    one of the foundations of modern physics
  • US Secretary of War William Howard Taft makes secret agreement with Japanese Prime Minister Katsura

    agreeing to Japanese free rein in Korea in return for non-interference with the US in the Philippines
  • San Francisco earthquake

    and fire kills nearly 4,000 while destroying 75% of the city
  • Bubonic Plague breaks out in San Francisco

  • Researcher George Soper publishes the results of his investigation into recent typhoid outbreaks

    in the New York area and announces that Mary Mallon [Typhoid Mary] is the likely source of the outbreak
  • Panic of 1907

    A run on Knickerbocker Trust Company stock leads to US wide run on banks
  • SOS distress signal becomes the worldwide standard for help

  • Henry Ford's company builds the first Model T car

  • Period: to

    William Howard Taft, Presidency

  • US forces withdraw from Cuba after liberal Jose Miguel Gomez becomes president

    ensuing political instability will bring a threat of US intervention in 1912
  • 16th Amendment was passed by congress (power to tax incomes)

  • Indianapolis 500 race track opens

  • Period: to

    World War I

  • US forbid immigration to criminals, anarchists, paupers & the sick

  • US Bureau of Mines forms

  • 1st Washington State election in which women could vote11

  • Standard Oil is declared an unreasonable monopoly by the United States Supreme Court

    ordered dissolved under the powers of the Sherman Antitrust Act.
  • American explorer Hiram Bingham discovers Machu Picchu, the Lost City of the Incas

  • Arizona was admitted to the Union as the 48th state

  • Massachusetts passes 1st US minimum wage law

  • Period: to

    Woodrow Wilson, Presidency

  • he first moving assembly line is introduced and adopted for mass productionby Ford

  • 1st movie serial "Adventures of Kathlyn" premieres in Chicago

  • President Woodrow annoyed neutrality in WWI

  • Mary Phelps patents the brassiere in the United States

  • German sinking of the Lusitania, killed 120 American outraged U.S

  • Ford Motor Co. manufactures it’s 1millionth automobile

  • Pancho Villa raids Columbus, New Mexico with 1,500 troops

  • Mary Pickford becomes the first female star to get a million dollar contract

  • The U.S government cuts diplomatic ties with Germany

  • U.S congress declares war on Germany and joins the allies

  • The influenza epidemic kills over 548,000 people in the U.S

  • Time zones officially established by U.S congress

  • A U.S navy seaplane begins transatlantic flight

    Ended in Portugal in May 27
  • Black Sox Scandal

    Nine players from the Chicago White Sox throw the World Series to the Cincinnati Reds
  • League of Nations established; ending WWI hostilities

    With the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles
  • 19th Amendment (Women Suffrage)

  • Period: to

    Warren G Harding, Presidency

  • President Harding declares peace in WWI hostilities

  • The first Miss America pageant is held

  • Teapot Dome Scandal

  • Construction of Yankee Stadium begins

  • Period: to

    Calvin Coolidge, Presidency

  • Time magazine publish first time

  • Warner Brothers is incorporated

  • In the First Winter Olympic Games held

    US wins 4 medals
  • All Native America’s are designated citizens by legislation passed by US congress

  • First working mechanical television system

    Invented by John Baird
  • Radio-vision is born

    Transmit 10 minute film of synchronized pictures and sound for 5 miles
  • Air Commerce Act is passed

    Provides aid and assistance to the airline industry
  • The NBC Radio Network is formed

  • Great Mississippi Flood occurs

    Affects over 700000 and ends on May 5
  • First electrónicas television

    Inventor Philo Taylor
  • Amelia Earhart becomes the first women to fly over the Atlantic Ocean

  • The US congress approves construction of Hoover Dam

  • Period: to

    Herbert Hoover, Presidency

  • Martin Luther King Jr is Born

  • JC Penny op no it’s store #1252

  • Postwar prosperity ends

    1929 Stock Market crash led to a loss estimated to be 50 billion and started the Great Depression
  • The Smoot-Hayley Tariff Act is signed

    It’s effective rate hikes would slash world trade
  • President Hoover asks the US congress to pass a $150 million public works project to increase employment and economic activity