Day of Birth
I was born on thursday, August 29th 1991. It was 3:12am at 8 pounds 7 ounces. I was born two weeks premature but healthy. My full name, Nicaela Janine Wichmann, was given to me on that day. I was greeted at my new home by our kitty, Tinx. Later on we found another kitty that we named dumpster that was MY cat. He never left my side, slept in my crib and always watched over me. -
First Hospital Visit
when I was four I had a really bad bladder infection. I didnt know what it was so i didnt say anything. By the time we figured it out it had already gotten really bad. I went to the hospital and I almost had to get my kidney taken out because the infection had spread. i didnt have to go through that sergery in the end. -
The first big move
I moved to Alpine, California when I was just about to turn 6. I hadnt really understood why I was leaving my home or where I was going. We moved in with this guy Dan, that I barely even knew. When we finally got there I was astonished. There was so much room to run around, a whole 2 acres, and my room was HUGE!!! I loved it. I had many animals while living in alpine, ca. I also played soccer and did karate. I learned to love my new home and we lived there for 8 years. -
When I was six years old I started playing soccer for a team in town. I loved it. I never missed a day and wouldnt stop talking about it. I was very dedicated. I played soccer for 6 years before having to quit to move away. I cried when I found out that I couldnt keep playing. -
The move back
When I was 12 my moms boyfriend had finally retired from 20 years in the military. So instead of staying down in california with him, we all moved back up here. We stayed with Dans mom until around christmas. I went to Centralia middle school for about a month and a half. Then we moved out when my mom finally had the guts to break up with him. -
A fresh start
At the end of my 7th grade year we moved out to Renton. We moved into an apartment complex, Westview Village, and I had to make new friends all over again. As soon as school started in september a knew a few people but not many. It didn't take me long to make many new friends at Nelsen Middle school. Within the first month I had many tons of new friends. One of those friends,Laina, has been my best friend for the last 5 1/2 years and is still my best friend to this day. I was in love with renton -
Burien: My current home
I moved in with my dad in burien. In January is when i started attending new start high school. In march I moved into my boyfriend's house. Then in febuary I moved back into my dads house. that is where I am to this day. -
In febuary I found out that I was going to have a new member in my family. I wasn't expecting to be expecting and it came as a huge shock. I was really scared and still am. But i am also really excited. I can't wait for it to come. -
The Arrival
I expect for the process to be very painful and outdrawn. I hope im not in labor to long and i hope there are no problems.
All i want is a very healthy baby to take home. I know it will be hard but i am kinda antisipating it. -
I finally graduated high school. I am now attending highline community collage. I am taking main classes for now. I don't know if im am going to master in veterinarian or web design just yet. Im keeping my options open for now. My baby is in the daycare facility here on campus so I am really close in case of emergency. Im am very happy with being in collage nad cant wait to start a rewarding career.