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Fugitive Slave Act
The fugitive slave act was where any fugitive slave who had already escaped or bought their freedom was considered a slave that had to be returnered to their owners. From www.nationalcenter.org/FugitiveSlaveAct.html -
Uncle tom's Cabin
This was a anti-slavery novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, this novel was credited for laying the groudnwork for the Civil War. -
The Kansas Nebraska Act
This was the act where it granted the people of Nebrasksa and Kansas to pick whiehter they where a slave state or not, it also rebeled aganinst the act of where no slavery above latidtude 36*30 -
Election of 1860
This was an election that occcured right after the Civil
war began and where Abe Lincoin was president. -
Battle of Fort Sumter
This was the first battle of the civil war, near Charleston , South Carilonia. The south demanded the surrender of the fort and the US Army wouldn't. -
The Ironclads
This is the battle between the ironclad ships made of steel they reflected canon balls. -
The Battle of Shiloh
The battle of Shioh or the Pittsusburg Landing was one of the first battles in the Civil War. The overpowered Conferderate army almost overwhelmed the unprepared Union forces and Usleyys S. Grant's command. But they held at the "Hornet's Nest". -
The Emanacpation Proclamtion
This was an excuteive order issued by then president Abraham Lincoln, it changed every slave to a free person. -
Surrender at Appotmax
After the battle of Appotmax Court House the south surrendered. -
The battle of Gettysuburg
Union forces lead by new general Meade, he chased down Conferdate Genreal Lee. After several heavy days of fighiting Lee issued the pickkets charge costing thousands of lives on each side. -
13th Amendment
This was the amendment that outlawed slavery or any form of ownership over another human. -
Abraham Lincoiln Assinaton
On this date John Wilkes Booth shot Abe linoiln in the back of the head.