The Fall of the Alamo
Texian military forces led by Travis and Bowie defended the Alamo against Santa Anna's army. Destruction of the Alamo would avenge the defeat of General Cos and renew Mexican control of the Capital of Texas. After a 13-day siege the battle ended on March 6, 1836 leaving no survivors.
(Campbell, 2018 p.131) -
Texas Declaration of Independence
The Unanimous Declaration of Independence made by the
Delegates of the People of Texas in General Convention at the
Town of Washington on the 2nd day of March 1836 https://www.tsl.texas.gov/exhibits/texas175/declaration.html -
The Goliad Massacre
General Santa Anna ordered ordered Lieutenant Colonel Jose Nicolas de la Portilla to execution nearly 350 rebels. -
Battle of San Jacinto
Sam Houston led his army to victory killing 630 Mexican soldiers and capturing 730 among them General Santa Anna. -
Treaties of Velasco
In exchange for his freedom Santa Anna signed two treaties. One public brought an end to war and would move Mexican forces south of the Rio Grand. The private treaty stated that Santa Anna would influence the Mexican government to recognize the independence of Texas. -
Attack on Fort Parker
In May 1836, over five hundred Native Indians attached the fort killing defenders and taking women and children prisoners. Cynthia Ann Parker one was nine at the time of the attack later married the last famous Comanche chief, Peta Nocona.
(Campbell, 2018, p150) -
The Republic's First President (1836-838)
On October 22, 1836 Sam Houston was elected as president. he received 5,119 votes over his competitors even after entering the race two weeks before election.
(Campbell, 2018, p.145) -
Southwestern Boundary at the Rio Grande
On December 19, 1836 Congress passed an act that set the southwestern boundary on the Rio Grande. -
Father of Texas' Death
on December 27, 1836 Stephen F. Austin who was named the "Father of Texas" died of pneumonia at the age of 43. -
Annexation Proposed
In August 1837 Memucan Hunt formally proposed the annexation of Texas to the administration of Martin Van Buren. Secretary of State John Forsyth quickly rejected the offer on the grounds that it would involve the United States in a war with Mexico and it would be unconstitutional.
(Campbell, 2018, p149) -
Annexation Proposal Withdawl
In May 1838 President Houston instructed Hunt to withdraw the request for annexation. -
The Republic's Second President (1838-841)
On December 10, 1838 Mirabeau b. Lamar was appointed as president. Sam Houston ruined it for him by upstaging him. He became so upset that his private secretary read his inaugural address in his place. -
The Republic's Third President
Sam Houston once again became president of the the republic. he served from 1841-1844 -
The Republic's Fourth President (1844-1845
Anson Jonas was elected as the president of the republic. https://www.tsl.texas.gov/treasures/giants/jones/jones-01.html -
Treaty of Annexation
Calhan completed negations with Van Zandt and henderson and assured that Texas would be protected from Mexico. On April 12, 1844 a treaty of annexation was signed. -
Annexation Treaty Defeated
On June 8, 1844, The United States Senate defeated the treaty by a vote of 35 to 16. -
Annexation Accepted
Texans approved annexation by a 4,254 to 267 margin and the constitution by a vote of 4,174 to 312. -
Santa Fe Expedition
President Lamar believed that an expedition from Texas might persuade the people of Santa Fe to break their ties with Mexico. On June 18, 1841 General Hugh McLeod along with 321 soldiers left Austin. By October 1841, they surrendered and forced to march to Mexico city. Many died on the way and others imprisoned. -
The 28th State
On December 29, 1845 Texas was accepted to the union as the 28th State.