Battle of Gonzales
Texas defeated the Mexican troops when some Mexican troops were sent to retrieve a cannon that Mexico had given to them to help protect them from Comanche Native Indians raids. -
battle of Golaid
The Battle of Goliad was a Texas victor, but led to the Goliad massacre. -
Texas Declares independence from Mexico
Greer, J. K., & Underwood, A. (1928). Journal of Ammon Underwood, 1834-1838. The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, 32(2), 124-151. -
Battle of the Alamo
From 02/23/1836 to 03/06/1836 Davy Crocket, William B. Travis, and Jim Bowie led a battle with 180 Texans against 4,000 Mexican soldiers led by General Santa Anna. Texas lost this battle.
Hunter, R. H. (1966). The narrative of Robert Hancock Hunter: Describing in his own manner his arrival to Texas in 1822 & his participation in events of the Texas Revolution, including the Grass Fight, leading to the Battle of San Jacinto. Encino Press. -
Battle of San Jacinto
This was the final battle of the Texas Revolution. General Sam Houston led the Texas army by the San Jacinto River. Sam Houston ordered the destruction of the Vince's bridge to prevent the arrival of Mexican reinforcement.
Sparks, S. F. (1908). Recollections of SF Sparks. The Quarterly. -
Texans vote for annexation
Texas voted on a new government, national constitution, and a high supporting vote for annexation to the United States. -
Third President of Texas
Sam Houston is elected as president of the Republic of Texas which earned its independence from Mexico in a successful military rebellion. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/sam-houston-elected-as-president-of-texas -
First president of Texas
Sam Houston was made the first president of the republic of Texas in 1836 and was re-elected in 1841. He was also the Texas State senator and briefly governor before he was ousted for not supporting the Confederacy. -
United states recognizes republic of Texas
President Andrew Jackson's last act as president. -
Texas minister to the United states
Tripartite Treaty
US Senator introduces a treaty between the US, Mexico, and Texas.
Later, on June 14th, the treaty is tabled. https://www.tsl.texas.gov/ref/abouttx/annexation/timeline.html -
Texas withdraws the offer of annexation
Because of the United States Congress' failure to act on the proposal Texas takes back the offer of annexation. -
Second President of Texas
Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar was an attorney born in Georgia, who became a Texas politician, poet, diplomat, and soldier. He was a leading Texas political figure during the Texas republic era. He was Elected as the second President of the Republic of Texas. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirabeau_B._Lamar -
Proposal of withdrawal approved
Texas Congress votes and accepts Houston's withdrawing of the annex proposal. https://www.tsl.texas.gov/ref/abouttx/annexation/timeline.html -
Council house fight
Was a decidedly lopsided fight between soldiers and officials of the republic of Texas and a delegation of Comanche chiefs during a peace conference in San Antonio. -
The Great raid of 1840
The Great Raid of 1840 was the largest raid ever mounted by Native americans on white cities in what is now the United States -
Battle of Salado Creek
Was a decisive engagement in which repulsed the final Mexican invasion of the republic of Texas. -
Dawson Massacre
Was an incident in which 36 Texian militiamen were killed by Mexican soldiers. -
Naval battle of Campeche
This battle featured the most advanced warships of its day including the Mexican steamer Guadalupe and the equally formidable Moctezuma which engaged a squadron of vessels. -
Final President of the Republic of Texas
Anson Jones was a doctor, businessperson, member of Congress, and the fourth and last president of the republic of Texas sometimes called the " Architect of Annexation". -
Florida admitted as a slave state
Florida was admitted to the Union on the last day of Tyler's presidency as a slave state. This was praised highly by Floridian Democrats, but was a point of contention for people in the North. Not only did Florida's admission increase the number of slave states, but it also added fuel to the fire as it increased anger in the North (historyengine.richmond.edu). -
Mexican American war
The Mexican-American War begins in 1846 intially as a response to the United States' annexation of Texas. The War is relatively short-lived and entirely sucessful for the Americans - by the end of the war, they have enormous territorial gains. However, this new territory would lead to huge issues later; the issue of whether the new territories should allow slavery or not would further split the nation.