1829-1863 history of politics

  • North Carolina v Mann

    North Carolina v Mann
    1829 there was a court case that was called north Carolina v Mann and the background of that court case is that someone named Elizabeth Jones had owned a slave that was named Lydia and wanted her to work for john Mann and when Lydia tried to run away from being whipped john Mann had pulled out his gun and shot Lydia at first he was found guilty of battery but north Carolina supreme court said slaves were absolute property of the slave owner and could not be convicted for hurting their slaves
  • Georgia passed a law saying anyone who makes anything against slavery will get death penalty.

    Georgia passed a law saying anyone who makes anything against slavery will get death penalty.
    In 1835 Georgia had passed a law saying that anyone who is found guilty of making things that was intended to provoke a slave rebellion would get the death penalty and there was many other laws with this one that was aimed at preventing anyone who had ideas of anti slavery they want to strike fear into those people who are trying to get slaves freed and these laws had impacted the 1st amendment because you couldn't speak freely or else you could die from it.
  • the republic of texas

    the republic of texas
    In 1836 Texas had a revolution because american settlers and Mexican Texans rebelled against the centralized government in mexico and after the battle of San jacinto in 1836 Texas had decided to declare independence from mexico calling themselves the republic of Texas and also at that time many of Texans wanted to be part of USA but it became a very controversial topic for the government because Texas has been a slave state and many politicians in the north didn't want Texas to become a state
  • Texas will become the 28th state

    Texas will become the 28th state
    In 1845 president James k Polk decided that Texas will become the 28th state of the U.S while doing this mexico was mad at the USA for doing that and mexico still seen Texas as their territory that lead to the Mexican-american war, but Texas was joining the USA as a slave state so the tension between the north and south were high now and the divider over slavery expansion was growing which would lead this conflict to soon dominate the american politics
  • treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    In 1846 Texas said that Rio grande was its boundary and mexico argued that the border was farther north than that mexico said that the border was at Nueces river and the war was seen has a victory for USA, they had taken over mexico city in 1847 and after that mexico and USA made the treaty known as the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and in that treaty mexico had ceded nearly half of their territory to the USA including California, Arizona and new mexico with other western lands
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    During that american-Mexican war the Wilmot proviso was introduced in 1846 and it proposed the banning of slavery in any territory that was gain from mexico and while it failed to be passed in the government it has grown the slavery problem in the USA and all the new territories had upset the fragile balance between the slave states and the free states which was pushing the country closer and closer to conflict within itself
  • compromise of 1850

    compromise of 1850
    the compromise of 1850 was a series of legislative measures focused on resolving the disputes over the slavery expansion there were 5 main provisions that said California was going to be a free state and Utah and new mexico will decided on their own through popular sovereignty and the compromise said they need a stricter fugitive slave act that would require northerns to help capture runaway enslaved people and also said that the slave trade in Washington d.c would be banned.
  • Kansas-Nebraska act

    Kansas-Nebraska act
    In 1854 the Kansas Nebraska act was introduced by Stephen Douglas it was to promote westward expansion by making Kansas and Nebraska into territories this act allowed settlers to determine whether slavery would be allowed or not allowed through popular sovereignty but this had overturned the Missouri compromise which had banned slavery north of the 36 30 line, pro slavery and anti slavery people rushed to move to Kansas to vote
  • election in 1860

    election in 1860
    Election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 was big because Abraham Lincoln was against slavery expansion but said he won't interfere with slavery in states where it already existed but with Lincoln's victory alarmed the south, some states in the south didn't even put Lincoln on the ballot but yet he still won the election by getting a lot of the norther electoral votes in response south Carolina seceded from the union just weeks after he won and many other southern states followed south Carolina
  • Emancipation proclamation

    Emancipation proclamation
    Emancipation proclamation 1863 on January 1st Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation that declared all enslaved people in the confederate states to be freed while it did not apply to the border states and it also allowed black men to enroll in the military which added thousands of people to the northern military and with this being in place it set the stage for nationwide abolition